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How I got Fernando, my Timneh African Grey


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Fernando is my second African Grey. The first one was Tabu, a CAG, who accidently flew away two years ago. Soon after Taby was lost, I found a message on one of my own forums. It was about a TAG, who was left behind in a house of which the occupants were forced to leave. The bailiff entered the house and found the bird. He was brought to the asylum, and someone wrote a message on Internet. I contacted the asylum, and told them about my studies to become a parrot-behaviortherapist. They asked a lot of money for the bird, which I wasn't able to pay. So I offered my assistance, just in case they found a new owner who lacked the skills to deal with parrot-behavioral problems. They called back, and told me that I could have the bird for a volontary donation. I went to the asylum, which was about one hour away from where I live, and I got the bird.




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Glad you joined us here, and could help a Grey in need. I've enjoyed reading your story and hearing about your bird. I have a timneh I befriended 7yrs ago when she was 3. I also have a Congo that was a second hand bird, she is still quite young only 14 months and new to our home..We are looking forward to spending many happy years together with our feathered friends.

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What a cute vidio I have a dog that thiks it mommy to all my bird she is a Shith-zu and if they're on the floor she won't leave their side and if someone gets o close she get very upset I guess she doesn't want anyone to step on her babys LOL She is very matenrnal I breed her for a few years but she is retired now. I think she misses being a mom so she has taken on a few foster birds its really cute the way she babys them

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That must be really cute, your Shi-Tzu mothering the birds. I have a Shi-Tzu as well. Peggy was adopted a year ago. Her owner was in difficult circumstances, financially and mentally. The dog suffered from allergies, and I got her with prednison pills. I am the fourth owner of Peggy, who will be four years old in november. She probably came from a puppy mill, and lived with the owner of a cattery when the former owner found her. By that time, she already gave birth to a puppy before she was a year old. The father was a mix dachshund and it ws an accident.


Peggy lives here for a year now, and she's doing fine. Sometimes I find her and Fernando together on the sofa. Fernando reaaly likes the dogs, but often meows like a cat. He is also befriended with my cat, Zerlina.

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