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Could he get hurt?


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So, I'm looking into getting another bird, a B&G macaw, but in the mean time I've been looking at cages. This cage here https://www.kingscages.com/cages/european-cages/model-507/prod_9.html is for sale on craiglist for 600. Do you think it would be wise to get this, sell Woodys current cage and have him in one half with my new Macaw in the other? Or would that be super stressful and what really concerns me is that somehow they might get into a fight between the cage bars and hurt one another. Or is there spacing between the divider that prevents this? Does anyone have this type of cage?

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I do not like these type of cages because it only takes one bite to cause horrible injury. The divider does not protect the birds from eachother and toes/legs could be bitten off through them. I would keep the cage your grey is in now and use the larger cage without the divider for the macaw.

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It's like the grate for the floor of the cage that goes between them. We have a HUGE cage like that for the breeder pair of Hyacinths at my work and we use the divider to keep them safe on one side while the other is being cleaned. The female is for sure wild caught and does NOT like people near Omar (her mate) or her cage so the divider is also a safty device for us as well. BTW, they are both in their 30's so when she was imported it was still the norm and CITES did not yet have the ban on it...just wanted to mention that so everyone didn't think we're dealing black market birds.:laugh:

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I would strongly suggest planning on buying a second cage for your next Parrot. Do no plan on the two of them sharing one cage. There is never any guarantee they will get along or if they do it would just be tolerating one another when out from a distance in most cases.


Some people do luck out and their Parrots all get along well, but they do not for the most mart inhabit the same cage or one divided in half by just a set of bars.


Hope this helps in deciding what choice to make. :-)

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I have 2 B&G's and a harliquen. I can tell you with no terms of uncertainty that the "double macaw cages" are not big enough for a macaw. Especially a young, very active boy like my Ty. He's living in a cage that's 52" wide x 38" deep x 70" high and uses every bit of it. I've often though about the double cages just to save space in my house. It's just not a good idea for several reasons. 2 of my birds used to get along fine. Now, for some reason that I don't understand, they hate each other. If they were sharing a cage, there would certainly be trouble.


However, if you took the divider out, it would be perfect for a single macaw.

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