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Help w/ my baby Grey


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Hi everyone. I have a 5 and a half month old Congo Grey that I have a question about. I've had him home almost 2 weeks now. When I bought him he was in with other babies and had no perches in the cage to start learning to perch. I brought him home and the first night he slept and spent all his time on the cage grate which i put a towel over. I kept a perch a couple inches from the bottom.

The second night he slept on the perch near the bottom so I was excited he was learning. Since then hes been at normal height using all the perches and he eats like a pig. The thing that worries me is he perched fine for about a week and the last two days he kinda migrates towards the bottom and spends alot of time on the bottom again. I tried to read signs of sickness and he doesnt keep his feathers fluffed when hes on the bottom. He still roams the cage every so often and he does eat when he does but he still goes down to the bottom.

He also still seems happy. If I leave the room and come back he gets excited to see me and will start to climb the inside all the way to the top. He makes alot of happy bird sounds when I hold him.

I do have a play area for him with a tree stand and lots of toys that I started letting him use after he got familiar with the cage. I let him spend alot of time during the day on it so I was thinking maybe he likes it too much and he is being rebellious about going back into his cage? Its not a small cage. Its about 3' wide and plenty feet high.

Im just a little worried for now. He doesnt seem sick unless he is in his cage. Right now he is just cleaning himself at the bottom of the cage where I have put a towel down again. Thanks for any answers in advance. =) And if you need more specifics feel free to ask.

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Baby greys do like to sleep on the bottom of the cage, They feel secure down there ;) id put the towel down then some newspaper over the top so you change it each day.Have a few perches low down in the cage,when he is comfortable he will use them,he has shown he can & he climbs around the cage without any problems so dont be worried.

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Thanks for the reply. I am still a bit worried just because of the sudden change of behavior. He was so playful in the cage for the first week and now he just kinda is hangin out at the bottom. He will play with the occasional toy and he is eating altho not as much as he usually did. I made a vet appointment for tomorrow morning just to be safe.

I really think he doesnt wanna be in the cage for some reason. The second we open the door he makes a run for our hands to get out.

He is also rubbing his beak alot on the towel at the bottom and sometimes will just keep his head laid down on the bottom. Its really confusing because when he is out he still seems very normal.

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I am glad you made a vet appointment. It will put your mind at rest. It is clear you are worried and your greys behaviour has changed. Both these are reason to visit the vet. Good luck and let us know how you get on. One more thought, have you added anything new to his cage or surroundings. New toy or new furniture, curtains,feed dishes ect. Greys can be funny about new things. Sheila

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Well the vet said from what he saw he is acting pretty regular. Gave me some antibiotic to give him for about a week just in case theres a bacterial infection. And I'll get results from some labs on Monday. He still just wants to be on the bottom of the cage and he is eating less than he did for the first week or so. We got a bunch of different foods to try and offer him from the vet and I still hand feed him once a day and he takes that. Hopefully I can get this birdie figured out pretty soon =).

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It's great that the vet did not see or detect any obvious signs of illness. Getting him started on antibiotics is good incase sompething does show up in the tests. If not then your vet will probably advise to just stop giving them.


Your baby could just be mourning a little over the loss of his first flock and home.


He sounds like a wonderful baby CAG. Looking forward to hearing more updates. :-)

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