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New to site, new to Greys!

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Hi everybody! Just from what little browsing I've done, this seems to be quite the community to be part of! I'm glad I stumbled my way over =)


My name's Erin, and I'm 24 and a first-time Grey owner. Heck, first-time bird owner period if we're being honest! At least my husband Zach grew up around birds. His family had a cocka...teil? too? I can never remember, but she used to fly freely around their house without clipped wings. We have no such plans for our Elmo, as two dogs also call our apartment home. His grandma is definitely into birds, and if I recall correctly, has FIVE Greys. So far I feel lucky to have the one!


Our new relationship is only a couple days old, and I must say I'm really looking forward to everything that comes with the lifetime commitment of being mommy to a Grey! He's ("she's?" we're not sure yet) four months old and was hand-raised since hatching. What a little sweetie!


Right now he has an adequate cage with three toys and a perch, but in the coming month (as funds return, as obviously Elmo was expensive!) we plan to get him a freestanding perch and more toys. Right now he either hangs out on our shoulders or on top of the cage. I'll also be picking up a couple more toys in the next few days.


I probably should stop now, as this is turning into a novella of sorts... I'm just so excited and feel like this is the perfect place to express it. I hope to get to know lots of you here!


--Erin (and Elmo!)

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Greetings, Erin and Elmo! Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you'll find it's a great resource to help you with your new feathered charge. You can learn a lot just wandering around on the various threads - I certainly have! - and always feel free to ask questions. Therer are a lot of very experienced, friendly folks on here, and they're always willing to help!


We'll look forward to seeing some pictures of Elmo soon!:)

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Hello Erin and welcome to the family, so glad you stumbled upon us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Elmo.


Even though this is your first parrot you have been around birds before and your hubby has some experience and we won't let you go wrong on anything as you came to the right place for advice.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Elmo you would share with us we would love to see him/her.

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Welcome Erin & Elmo! I'm glad you joined the forum. You have lots to learn but you'll find lots of great info on this site. Anytime you have a question, ask away, there's always someone on here that is willing to listen and help.:)

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Hi Erin, welcome to the forum. You will quickly learn that there is a lot of great information here and some very nice people willing to help us understand our greys. Can't wait to see some pictures of Elmo.:cheer:<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/10/09 00:04

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Just a teensy update... Elmo wasn't working out as a name, so we've decided to go with Tango. Ta-da! It just seems to fit much better, rolls off my tongue easier with him and feels more natural.


The pups don't stare at him for hours at a time anymore, thank goodness... They've accepted him as part of the family (flock/pack/etc). I'm seeing great progress in the decline of beaking, and he's learning to let me handle his wings, but potty training isn't going so well. Still trying though, and will continue 'til he gets the hang of it!


Cutest thing happened earlier today... Tango was hanging out on top of his cage. Hubby (Zach) and the pups were in the bedroom, and I had to ask him something, so I headed in there. I only meant to take a minute, but it ended up being a little longer than planned, and here comes Tango flitting down the hallway! He hopped off the top of his cage and made it airborn almost to the bedroom door! It's like he was seeking out some love =) Also means he'll have to get his wings clipped again soon if he was able to make it that far...


I love this little guy! Can't wait to have fun stories like the ones I've been reading about here, like Baxter throwing things -- haha! I've read others tonight too, but that was the most recent so it's fresh in my mind...


Hope everyone's having a splendid week!!!

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