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I made some parrot toys


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I 100% agree with your husband! These are terrific;) . The lollipop stick one is really great. I can imagine my guys having a blast shredding that one to pieces. They are very professional looking and should easily sell on somewhere like ebay. I assume the colouring you used is bird friendly, right?

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I'm seriously anal retentive about what I give my babies. Even their cages are being replaced with stainless steel because I'm so paranoid about zinc toxicity. I pick up one of them tomorrow for one of my macaws. It's twice the size she's in now, so she'll think she's moving up in life.


Some of the coloring is vitacritter and some is wilton gel food coloring. Both of which are parrot friendly and mixed with 70% rubbing alcohol and white vinegar.

All of the hardware is either stainless steel or nickel plated and all of the wood is untreated pine that's been baked in the oven on low heat for 30 minutes to kill anything that might be on it prior to coloring. The rope is either 100% cotton or sisal.

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Probably so. I do enjoy doing it and it's a nice break from my embroidery business. I'm just not sure if I should list them on ebay or create a website. Ebay seems to take all of your money anymore. It's hard to even break even with them lately. Between the ebay fees and the paypal fees, they're sniping more than 75% of my profits. I quit selling on there since then.


I also thought about taking them around to my local bird stores too. I'm just not good at door to door selling though!

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Very nice...I'd buy from you, for sure. Especially knowing the care you took to ensure the toys are safe. I do have one question...if it's a "secret ingredient" type thing, I understand. How did you put holes in the tongue depressors without splittin them?


Very nice items. You really should sell them!! :)

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Those are very nice! Woody would LOVE the one with the toliet paper, as he is shredding phone book at the moment! (doesn't seem to dig the wood very much..:unsure: ) If I were you I would make a web site, they have many free ones you can use and advertise on google etc. - that way you can control all your profits! I agree, ebay and paypal have gotten greedy. :ohmy: Let us know if you make one! I'd be a customer!

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I have them temporarily hanging on my playstand. My grey and amazon have already checked out every single one of them. Most of them have at least one bite taken out of the wood.


When I put them together, I designed them with a variety of chunks and pieces. Some of the pieces will break apart fairly easily and some will take longer for them to chew apart. It gives them some sort of sense of accomplishment. I have more that I did that I haven't posted pictures of yet. My playstands look like a toy paradise right now!

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My husband is working on designing a website for me. I make and do so much for my birds, between the toys to playgyms to custom embroidered cage covers that it would be selfish not to share! We've decided that not only are we going to sell the stuff I do, but we're going take a portion of the proceeds to help out avian rescue. I live just across the street from the president of my local avian society, so I see and hear all the that the rescue birds need. I already make them alot of toys and I always wish I could do more. I can't foster because I'm already full with my own birds. Maybe this way I can help offset the cost of vet bills and cages.


Thank you all for your encouragement. It means alot to me. We've already selected and registered our domain name. It's just a matter of getting the website done and live now.

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Thats wonderful Gina, you are a go getter all right, can't wait to see the website.


Thats great that you make and give toys to the avian rescue in your area, how generous of you to donate some of the proceeds of the sales also, I hope you get a lot of participation from the members here.:);)

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Your toys are wonderful I'll take one of each my birds would just kove them. I make all my own toys also except for their boings and a couple other litte things I have made everything they have in the way of wooden toys. They just want to much money for somthing I can make myself for a fraction of the cost. Yours are alot nicer looking than mine but the birds seem to love to chew them up even if they don't look store bought. When I make toys Tyco sits and waches so intently and when I'm done shes the first one checking it out she just loves getting new toys to play with. she prefers foot toys best where as my Amazon likes the hanging ones just like kids they know what they like

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