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Yeah!!!! Congradulations!!! Total Success!!!{Communicate-0002011B} I am so happy for you. My grey was 12 years old when I got him. I know babies are great and I'd love to have one but with an older bird they already know how to talk when they get to you. :) At first Baxter would only talk when we were out of the room but after about a month he would talk in front of us. Something real handy to get is a set of baby monitors and take it with you when you are in another area of the house and you can really hear all the words and sound effects really good. We have baby monitors and it is the best thing ever! Congradulations again. Of course we want to hear all the details about Kiko and photos too. If you have any questions please be sure to ask.

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Thanks to all for the kind words. Kiko does exactly what you said Baxter was doing. She talks when we are out of the room, except when the phone rings. She is still skiddish and shakes when we first approach her, however she steps up every time without any problems. I am going to try and post pics now.

Thanks again.


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Kiko is certainly a great looking grey. Take things slow until she is comfortable in her new surroundings. Watch her body language and she'll let you know when she is ready to move forward. Looks like she came from a loving environment and won't take long at all to adjust. Thanks for sharing her picture.:kiss:

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yes Baxter took awhile to warm up to me. I could only touch him on the top of his head and every now and then near the back of his neck. He was always left in his cage before I got him and never handled. Luckily he has a good dispotion. I just let him tell me as far as he wanted me to pet him and over time it got to where I could pet his neck, then his back, the belly and finally his wings. Now I can spread his wings out and hold them out and he lets me. I would pet him as far as I could and when I seen him get nervous I would stop so he wouldn't freak out on me. He figured out I would not hurt him and let me pet a little farther each week. I got him a little over 3 months ago and I can touch him everywhere now. It just takes some time. It took him about a month for him to really trust me. I wouldn't expect a hole lot the first week. She has to get used to her you and your family and her new home. Talk to her alot and she will eventually want more and more from you as time goes on.


I messed with Baxter too much when I first got him. Couldn't help it cuz he was brand new:) to me and I always wanted to touch and pet him, etc. I got bit a lot too cuz I wanted to handle him too much too soon. If she bites, don't take it personally or think that she is a biter. She's just nervous. Just takes time to get situated. Hopefully, you will not get bit;)

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Thanks so much. Just an update: Kiko is doing great! We took it slow and she has really warmed up to us. She is letting me scratch her head and rub her beak, which she wouldn't even let you get close to her head when we first brought her home. She is talking more. Says Hello, Yoo Hoo, Boo....

It gets better every day. I feel very lucky to have found her. Maddie_n_Kiko.jpg


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Kiko is beautiful and seems to be settling in really well with you and your family!

Im glad you have been taking things slowly and working at Kiko's pace, sometimes this can seem like a lengthy process and you want to rush forward with things but the rewards at the end are worth the wait!


Keep us updated and let us know how things are going, and keep posting those wonderful pictures!:)



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Hey Scott, another great picture with 2 beautiful girls:)


Caroline was so right when she said it can seem like a lengthy process but looking back on my experience with Baxter. It seemed like it took forever...then 2 months later, I could touch him everywhere, he was "practicing" flying and learning to play with toys and he was loving it. I think of it now and think 2 months is really a blink of an eye. It just seems like it takes forever when you are going through the process;) Every day has been a total joy with him. I am so glad you found her. And yes, please keep us updated;) I love hearing these kind of stories.

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