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Not a member of the lucky Grey owners club yet


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I am hoping to be a Grey Owner in the near future, but wanted to do it the right way. This website is fantastic, and I will be using the guidance and info from the members to make the right decision, as it is such an important one. I have a tendency to be impulsive, so I am really trying to make myself get as informed as possible before adding to my family.

Thanks to all for the great information.


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Hi Scott,


Welcome to the grey forums. Sounds like you will be a member of the grey owners club some day, and its good to see you are doing some homework before you get your baby. It will help you with what to expect and make the transition for the grey into your home so much smoother!


I hope you find what you are looking for here.


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Hello Scott and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and getting that grey you want.


You are doing exactly the right thing, find out all you can before you make the final plunge, you need to know what to expect but when you do finally get one you will understand how we all feel about our greys. Now that we have them we don't know how we got along without them before.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Thank you all for the warm welcome and words of support in this wonderful and important process. I look forward to keeping you posted on my potential journey to "Greydome". One of my main concerns is that we have a dog (Boxer) that is gentle, however I don't know how she would react to having a Grey in the house. I would never leave my Grey unsupervised, but I worry that if the dog barks or does something that may scare the Grey, it might have lasting effects. If anyone relates to this it would be very helpful. I will search the threads as well.

Thanks again to everyone!


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Hi and welcome! We have a dog, 2 cats and a few other birds. Morgan (our grey) is very amused when the dog barks, when the cats have a scuffle... He's pretty laid back though and is really not affraid of anything yet.

Every bird is different though. Good luck with your journey :)

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Hi Scott- it's really great you are doing your homework prior to getting a bird.

I have two dogs and with patience and care it is possible for them to coexist. My older dog is great with the birds and pretty much just ignores them. He's had birds chase him, land on his back and bite him and he is such a gentle soul, he takes it all and doesn't harm them. I also have a 11 month old puppy (dachshund) and that's another story. He likes to run and jump after my grey whenever he is flying around- I have to supervise them closely and wouldn't trust him with a bird if my life depended on it! I think most greys get a bit of amusement out of other animals in the house- they KNOW they are superior to the dogs and like to tease them if possible. Keep us updated on your bird search!

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Lyric wrote:

I think most greys get a bit of amusement out of other animals in the house- they KNOW they are superior to the dogs and like to tease them if possible.


I completely agree with you. My 2 greys just have to land on a sofa and the dogs jump down immediately. I could tell them to get down 3 or 4 times before they will finally decide to move! Both my dogs have been bitten by the greys for sniffing around the cage while looking for some fallen treats. And they have had their noses bitten by one or other of the birds:laugh:

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Thank you so much. Those examples really help. I visited a beautiful baby grey a couple days ago and really hit it off with him/her. I probably should not even look at this time because we are going out of town for a week during Thanksgiving. I don't want to bring a baby home and then board it soon thereafter. Thanks you all so much for your help!


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Scott, Hello and welcome to the forum, you've come to the right place. I have 4 dogs and 2 greys, and all live happily together. The greys are more interested in the dogs then the dogs are in them. My Timneh knows all the dogs names and calls them for me. Supervision is the key for keeping the two happy together in the home.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is that like a bird fair where several different breeders come take their birds to sell along with cages and accessories? (those are so much fun) I just read from a grey book that it is not the best place to get a new bird because there could be hidden illnesses brought in unknowingly and could possibly spread and wouldn't show up untill much later.


With that said, I've been to a bird fair and I had planned to get another bird from the next bird fair we go to. Alot of the books are just peoples opinions and I was wondering myself if they were being overly cautious about it??? I think we still might buy one from a bird fair but might want to get a certificate of health and a wellness check shortly after bringing the new bird home.

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Scott I looked up the Arizona Aviculture Society on the internet. They have been a society for 30 years and sponsor 3 bird marts a year. They are believed to be the oldest bird organization in Arizona. They sound beauty reliable. But you need to research this yourself, I'm from Washington so don't know this organization. Just look it up and check it out. Good Luck.

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I've only been to one bird fair and they had lots of birds. Alot of babies, some older ones needing new homes & some breeding pairs. Some birds were the pets of the vendors and they came along too:) There were quite a few babies and many of them you could put a deposit on right then but they weren't ready to come home yet. Some were old enough and weaned or nearly weened and could go home that day, too. I'm sure if you want a bird you will be able to get one. It was good that luvparrots looked them up and found they had a great reputation. I was kind of thinking the same thing. Bird fairs should be pretty safe. If they weren't they probably wouldn't have so many of them. I know I enjoyed going so much and can't wait untill the next one. Even if you aren't out to buy a bird it's a great place to go spend some time and just look at all the different types. If you can't find the type of bird you want right there, there are plenty of breeders that you can connect with. I did notice that they were almost half the price you would pay in a pet store;) Good luck. Let us know how it goes:)

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I did go to the Bird Mart. I'm thrilled to say that I can change the heading of this thread to "A proud member of the Grey Owners Club. We fell in love with a 5 year old female CAG named Kiko. I was planning on starting with a baby, however Kiko was so great with my kids. She was nervous, as the Bird Mart was overwhelming for her, however she was just so sweet with us. She is home and is getting acclimated to the new environment, but so far so good. We are taking it slow with her, so as not to overwhelm her. She already says hello every time the phone rings. Thanks to all for your help and support in this process!! I will get pictures on ASAP.

Scott and Kiko

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That is good news. I am glad the bird mart worked for you. I too would love to hear what info you got on Kiko.She appears to have been kept in a home environment,judging by her response to the phone. Did you get any medical history.Try and post some photos, I would love to see her.

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