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Beak Wearing down on Bridge - Help


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Hi can you help me? Billy is doing something in his cage that means his beak is wearing onthe bridge of it and I am concerned that he will wear it right through. What should I do?


He also hates being sprayed and wont go into a bath of water - what should I do?


Sorry but I just cant find answers to these questions!



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Hi Greg,


Sorry, I can not help you with Billing wearing his beak on his cage. I would like to see him in person and see what he is doing before any advice or judgments are made.


My male Eclectus rubs his beak on his cage bars. Usually he rubs it back and forth on a horizontal bar. But I can honestly say that he is NOT wearing down his beak in any manner that is harmful to him.


As for taking a bath, I may have some advice in that department as I had almost the same problem with one of my greys. One grey for the most part would love to get misted from a misting bottle. My other grey hated it and would always try to fun away. Even though from time to time he would splash in his water dish.


Because of the trouble with Marty and his bathing , I opted for another solution. Which was I purchased a MISTING BOTTLE from I believe it was Dr. Fosters & Smith. It is a pressure bottle that after you fill it, you pump it up to the pressure your decide. Then you have a little valve to turn and it will start to spray. It gives one of the finest misting sprays that I have ever seen or feel. And guess what? Now Marty will sit their and allowed to me misted/bathed. You can hardly feel the mist and he probably does not even realize what it happening.


Thats the only solution if have for bathing at this time. Because on the other hand, my Ecletus loves to shower with me, then get blowed dry. And I sincerely doubt that your are ready for that adventure yet.





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Guest Monique

I've never seen a bird's beak wear down from use. Is that really what you meant? Like how is it wearing down? My birds do the same thing Granpooba describes with no harm to them.

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Granpooba wrote:

......And guess what? Now Marty will sit their and allowed to me misted/bathed. You can hardly feel the mist and he probably does not even realize what it happening.



You're cheating him :laugh:

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Guest Monique

I agree, I would consult with a veterinarian. It might be normal wear like they wear their beak tips down on a rough perch, for instance, but it does not sound like it from what you are describing.

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