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I am new to the forum and will be getting my Tag next month. Anyway, in preparation for this big event, I have been having fun ordering everything I can think of, most of which I have seen in pics from this forum (thanks for all the ideas!) Anyhow, I just got my credit card bill and was in shock to see hundreds of dollars that I could not possibly have spent!!! To make this short. I called the number listed on one item and reached a Sporting goods outfit. Oh yes they were shipping three, yes three separate orders of sporting goods to Kuwait for me. OUCH!!! Of course I told them to STOP THOSE ORDERS, they were not mine and my next step would be my credit company. To make a long story short. The fraud dept. of my card company is checking this out. I didn't do on line ordering until I ordered for my new Tag. So, just curious to know has anyone else had any problems??? Or am I just that lucky?

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I have many credit cards, but only one that I use for online purchases, (which are many :P ). This past summer I had almost $10,000 in various charges on my card over a period of 3 months. Many were for purchases out of the country. One charge was $1800 in airline tickets! Luckily for me, my credit card company canceled the card asap, and took off all the charges, but not after a lot of paperwork, and notarized statements from me for each and every charge......:S I have been a customer of theirs for over 20 years, I wonder if that helped or not.

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My Mum does not know how to use a computer never mind shop on line ! they were abroad on holiday ( and did noy use the card at all they are so careful about using it and only when it is necessary )and came home to find about £7500 spent on their credit card !It took months and lots of paperwork and phone calls to finally sort it all out ! They are OAPs and to this day we dont know how they got hold of their details and abused it in this way !

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My parents were also on holidays in the US recently. Shortly after they came home their bank called to ask them had they made a transaction for $1 while away. My mam said of course not. The bank cancelled the card because apparently this is a method that is used to skim the card and make a duplicate. It may have happened in a restaurant where the waiter took away their card to swipe it for them:ohmy: Thanks to the diligence of the bank they didnt lose anything.

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Crossing my fingers, have not had any issues with ordering items online over the last 10 years....I am sorry to hear hear of the others theft problems and it is scary to think the terrotists may be using these stolen numbers to help themslves in their low life, evil pursuit of murdering people innocent of anything but just living.

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Yes, Janet, I had an issue with one of my credit cards within the last year. Someone in Florida racked up $8,500 on it at two Walmarts and three CVS's in the course of 1 day. It was actually a card that had theoretically been retired the month previous due to a security breach in a regional grocery chain I use - I already had a new, replacement card in use, and there were legitimate charges on the new card on the same bill. The bank's fraud department handled it for me - I got yet another new card, all the fraudulent charges were expunged, and I just had to fill out one affidavit. Logistically, it was handled pretty easily, but the stress factor was definitely there! It hasn't stopped me using my cards or ordering on-line, becausethe truth is I don't know how whoever it was got hold of the old number or was able to use it after it had been retired. But it certainly gives you pause, doesn't it? :ohmy: For one thing it convinced me that I'm not in fact crazy (as some have called me) to keep track of every penny I spend or get in Quicken and always know exactly what my bills should look like before they arrive...

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I have yet to have any charges to my cards, but when I use it online I only use Paypal. One time I lost my card...I think the cashier forgot to give it back to me...but when I relized it was gone I called the bank and they went over all the charges and all were mine and the sent me a new one.

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Wow, I didn't realize fraud was so rampant. I am fortunate that I don't have the same problems. But, then I have to admit that I am responsible for all the hundreds of things I bought for Darcy. :silly: On a side note I have finally wised up and purchased parts to make toys. Darcy is just over 4 months old. He loves everything I made thus far. There are several sites that give you instructions if you need some inspiration! Here's one: http://www.cheepparrottoysntips.com/.

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Thanks for the feedback. Frankly, I was afraid the problem was with one of the sellers I was ordering from. I'm glad it was not. Just my kind of luck I guess. Also, my bank took care of everything for me and is sending the necessary fraud paperwork for signature and of course, a new card.:cheer:<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/10/10 19:54

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It sounds like I have been very lucky. I have not touch wood had any problems as yet. I have ordered on line but it is usually confined to a few companies I have used for a while. I have also used a credit card abroad once. I feel very fortunate having read these posts and it is a good reminder to all.

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Sorry to hear of all the problems people are having with their credit cards. I had a small problem with one of mine after going to a bead fair (like a bird fair only the vendors all sell stuff relating to beads and jewelry) but the credit card company called me and asked me to verify the charge and since it was not one I had made I cancelled the card, they sent me a new one and had already denied the charge. It turned out fine for me, but I would feel very violated if someone charged a bunch on one of my cards. It pays to be vigilant and watch your statements closely- you never know when you could become a victim and I hope it doesn't happen to you all again!

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