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ZZeros flight skills


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ZZero is only 13 weeks and I am amazed at his skills with flight he plays a game flying back and forth between play stand and cage ( about 10 feet) and has mastered landing already. he has spooked a few times and took flight in circles and started landing on my hand when I put it up.


My hubby and I started practicing recalls last night and he landed perfect every time. This morning his game was fly to me from his cage so we did this about 10 times all with landing perfect.


I know the importance of recall in case something happens and he gets out but am I actually teaching him something bad like reinforcing that he doesn't have to stay where I put him?? How do I teach him to only come when called, is this possible??


also a little P.S

we worked on turn around and he learned it very fast I figured he was too young but it actually worked hes so smart :P<br><br>Post edited by: cflanny, at: 2008/10/07 19:04

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Hi cflanny,


As a general statement practicing/working with your bird on flight skills, recall etc is a good thing. Teaching them where and when to fly and/or stay put is part of the whole relationship you build and expectations you establish. Certainly a flighted bird has a set of variables an owner needs to be aware of and prepared to mitigate. I personally think keeping a bird flighted is the best approach for overall health of the animal provided one has the environment to do so. A flighted bird, just like a clipped bird, must learn to stay put when expected and when to fly to you when called. Of course they are individuals and part of keeping a flighted bird is understanding and enjoying when they decide to execerise their flying skills. Knowing they will do this, you must patiently and repeatedly, over and over and over, condition them on what is acceptable and what is not. This is true for flying/recall and just about any other behavior the bird exhibits that you wish to influence. Again, they are individuals so no matter what you do understand nothing will be perfect and many things will take a long time to get to a point you may want (sometimes many years). Enjoy the process. So long as you are patient and committed you will build a trusting relationship to last a lifetime and you will both be greatly rewarded. B)

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Hi Cflanny,


Mark has given you a great response.


It's good to hear your baby Grey is fledging and growing in flight skills. They are very important in his coordination and self confidence. Your working with him consistently as you have started is building the foundations for a god relationship with him and setting rules in place for him to follow.


Great job!! :-)

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