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Have a few questions about Gonzo


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Hi everyone, so I have had Gonzo for less than a week and so we are still adjusting to each other. He is very sweet and tame and loves to be held. So this is our routine during the day, I wake up and get ready for work but instead of putting on my nice work clothes I put on my bird poop clothes and take him out for about an hour or how ever long he will stand. In the morning he tries to climb my head over and over again. I keep saying no and take him down before he even reaches the top of my head. Eventually after the 20 times of trying he stops and instead decided to play with my hair barrette. Is this the right thing to do? I will admit it can get frustrating but I keep my cool with him. He seems to be more cranky in the morning than in the evening and as he seems to get more irritated I put him back and he chows down on his food which makes him happy. When I come home from work he is like a different bird and cuddles me for about 2-3 hours before again getting agitated and wanting to go to bed. Is this a good routine for him?

Another question I have is how do I get him to like my dog, my dog is curious about him but he growls at my dog and puffs up. Will this just take time? Is there anything I can do to help him adjust to my dog better? My dog is only 20 lbs not a big guy but very friendly. Any advice would be great.

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Do you have him on your shoulder in the mornings?? I would suggest getting little play stands (or just a portable one you can take with you) in rooms which you get ready in this should eliminate the getting on your head and having fights every morning.

I am no expert with the dogs I am having my own delima with this I never thought my Shih tzu would go after him but he did the flapping wings brings something out in the dogs, so we are working on it slowly, granted ZZero loves the dogs cause my breeder had dogs but the dogs, not so sure yet.

Others with more experience should be along shortly :) Congrats on your new baby !!

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pnp26 wrote:

In the morning he tries to climb my head over and over again. I keep saying no and take him down before he even reaches the top of my head. Eventually after the 20 times of trying he stops and instead decided to play with my hair barrette. Is this the right thing to do?


Another question I have is how do I get him to like my dog, my dog is curious about him but he growls at my dog and puffs up.


You are doing the right thing in telling him NO and stopping him from climbing up your head. They are persistent, as you have indicated. But, by sticking to you action, he will stop trying after a few goes at it. ;-)


In regards you Dog, he may or may not like the dog over time. It is natural for them to be fearful of any predator that could eat them. Just keep letting him observe your dog from inside his cage or when securely in your lap and perhaps over time he will become accustomed to him.

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