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Hi Everyone !! Hope you are all well and your greys are happy and healthy !!

Ok - i'll try not to make this too long - i have some little questions to ask - if any of you have some advice , please help me - remember you dont have to answer ALL of the questions ....


1) My koko won't let me take him out of his cage - he likes to come out by himself ...is this normal ?


2) Koko only likes to be touched/rubbed around his head and neck - he HATES anywhere else on his body to be touched - is this normal ?


3)Koko has a schedule as to when he is loud and noisy - EVERYnight at 7pm is his time to shine - anyone have a grey like that ? ( koko makes sounds like a monkey , 15 different kinds of birds, kisses, whistles ..etc)


4) Koko loves yogurt - i only give him a little once in a while - is this ok ?


5) Koko hates water - i tried giving him a bath and he freaked - is this normal ? ( he preferes to sit allday and prune himself)


6) Is anyone out there able to pick up their grey and cuddled them - like flip them on their back and rub their tummies ?


I have owned a grey before - but he was much older (17)and had totally different habits. This is my first time to raise a baby!


Thank you all for your help and advice. I really appreciate it !


Sarah Li & Koko xoxoxo :)

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OK...lets see if I can get them all in.


1) Many parrots can get cage possesive and not want to come out on your terms. I would have to say that you need to let him know that you are the boss before it becomes a problem. Go to step him up and if he doesn't want to step up get eye contact and give the stink eye.


2) Greys are not cuddle bug birds like many parrots are. Most greys only like the head and neck scratched so don't be disapointed...it's normal. Plus touching parrots on the body can lead to sexual frustration so it's best you don't touch the back and under the wings.


3) It is very normal for birds to be very vocal at certain parts of the day...normally at sunrise and sunset...so this is not a problem behavior it just a parrot being a parrot.


4) A little yogurt now and then is fine for your grey.


5) Many greys HATE water but baths still need to be done. Go through our many posts about bathing and Im sure you will find a method that will work for yours.


6) Yes, some greys will flip on their back and play with you like that but not all will. My grey Elmo loves to flip on his back when we are playing but there are many greys that will freak out if this is done to them. You kinda need to feel out your grey to see if this is something that he will learn to do and enjoy.


Hope that helps.B)

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Whew, here we go!


1) When I first got my CAG, Woody, he wouldn't let me take him out of his cage either, he would only come out on his own - he'd bite me if I stuck my hand in there! So yes, I could see that as being 'normal' for a while while the two of you are getting adjusted to one another. If it has been a long time then I would let him know that he can't just boss me around anymore, it's down to training time. Try enticing him with an almond or his favorite treat! ;)


2) Woody will only let me pet him on his head and neck, he sqeaks if I go anywhere else, and like BMustee said, it can lead to sexual frustration which = bad behavior.


3) Lot's of Greys have habits of when is their 'time to shine' - Woody sings at sunup...and boy does he sing! (At least until breakfast and then he just mumbles :P )


4) Yogurt in small doses is perfectly fine, but Grey's can't digest dairy, so not too much! :)


5) The minute Woody hears the shower start or sees the spray bottle he is OUTTA THERE at the speed of light. He will even hop down to the floor and make a beeline for my boyfriend or his cage! :laugh: Once every other month or so he will get freaky in his water bowl at which time I try to move him to a cake pan full of lukewarm bath water, which he enjoys. Bathing is a part of life for humans and it needs to be for Greys.


6) Actually this morning I tried to put Woody on his back and he would NOT have it. :ohmy: (I think he is still a little angry at me, I'll break out the noodles later :lol: ) It's a matter of what your Grey prefers. B)


Hopefully that'll be a bit of insight for ya! :cheer:<br><br>Post edited by: Anmlhggr, at: 2008/10/07 20:09

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1) There are a few of my birds that don't like me reaching in the cage. They tolerate it anyway. I ask them to step up the first time, tell the the second time with a much more stern voice and the third time I force them by either grabbing them by their feet (gently - we're not out to hurt them, just reinforce what I'm asking them to do) or pushing into their legs with a stick until they step up. Once they do, I praise them like the just hung the moon. They get the idea and don't fight me as much. Of course, the only time I really force them out of the cage is if I need to clean it or it's bath time.


With my amazon, I found that making the cage less interesting and the play areas more fun, he's more than grateful to come out for me now. Try removing some of his favorite toys from the cage and putting them on the playstand.


2) Pet on the head and shoulders only. Never anywhere else. You should ease into the idea of being able to handle his wings and occasionally touch other parts of his body just in case you need to evaluate him for an injury though. Work with it and praise him when he doesn't react with his favorite treat.


3)They all have a schedule. I get the screamfest 3 times a day. When one rattles off, they all chime in. Imagine my house with 3 macaws, an amazon and a grey! Thank god Apple invented the ipod!


4) KA little dairy is ok. As in just a taste or 2. I would reserve it as a special treat when he's hit a major milestone in his training. Mine love cheese too, but they're not allowed to have it very often and again, only a taste.


5) Make bathtime fun. Picture yourself with a 3 year old child. Consider getting some plastic bath toys and fill the tub just a few inches with water. Let a couple of toys float around and play as you wash. All but 1 of mine look forward to a bath. My one blue and gold acts like I'm pulling out all her feathers.


6) Zazu will let me carry him upside down by his feet. My amazon lets me, but doesn't exactly appreciate it. My macaws will remove my hand for even thinking about it. It depends on the bird and where his trust and comfort level is with you. Work on your bond before asking him to do something that makes him vulnerable. In time, he'll allow you. Praise him heavily when he does, even if it's just for a second.

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