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Hi Guys!


I've been lurking a bit - but thought it was time to say hello.


I've had birds since I was young, in fact I still have one of them - a male cockatiel born around 1984! So he's at least 24 years old now. He was about 1.5 years when we got him. We have two female 'tiels as well, and my daughter has 2 budgies and 7 male finches.


I also have a GC Amazon who's approx. 13 years old, a WC Pionus who's 3.5 years old and our latest addition is a CAG who's 4 years old. We've only had the TAG since February. She had plucked herself in her previous home, but is letting her feathers grow in now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed she leaves them alone!


Looking forward to getting to know everyone!<br><br>Post edited by: Rue, at: 2008/10/07 01:18

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Hello Rue et al, welcome! Sounds like you have a very exciting flock! We'd love to see pictures of your birds! Glad to hear your TAG is letting her feathers grow back in, she must be happy with you. Looking forward to hearing more about you and your birds :)

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Hello and congradulations on your new grey. It sounds like she "landed" in the right place with you:) . It's great you took in a grey with a few issues and sounds like you are just what the doctor ordered. Glad to hear she is doing so well. Yes, we'd love to see some pictures and hear more about her. What's her name?

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I love hearing about birds that plucked and in a new home and are now looking like a parrot and not Purdue.


I also got a chuckle from hearing about your tiel...HE'S OLDER THAN ME!!! Hahahaha! But then again we have a Ringneck Dove at the store that was born in 86' and is still having at it with the ladies!


I can't wait to see pictures of everyone...including the finches. I have 14 so Im a nut for them.

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Hello Rue and welcome to the family, so glad you could finally join us and quit lurking:laugh: we look forward to hearing more about you and your Tag, opps sorry you said a Cag, silly me:laugh:


You have had birds for a long time and a good selection too and now you have a grey, a Cag to be precise and this one is special as you can tell.


Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Would you share some pictures of your grey with us, we love to look at pics.:);)

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