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just found this site, grey newbie

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Hi, just to think that you wanted a grey for over 10 yrs and now you going to get one, i wish you all the best with your grey. Keep us updated as to when :) I also wanted a grey for years and then when i walked pass a petshop i saw a baby jardine (pepe) and i bought it but in my heart i still wanted a grey. When i received charlie at 5months old i could not believe it. i live for that bird but still pepe is my first and he will always be treat no1 but charlie i just luv him to bits. {Feel-good-0002006E}

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Hello Retronut and welcome to the family, so glad you have decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your need for a grey.


Hope you have a mouthful for you are gonna need it, first the bird then cage, toys, food, treats, vet bills, I could go on and on but I think you get the picture.:laugh:


You cam to the right place to ask questions, we encourage all our members to ask any and all questions, even if you think it is a silly one, we don't care, if it concerns our greys no question is too silly.


You will find lots of information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and we will help you in any way we can.

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Hello Retronut- we have lots of patience for questions and there is always someone on here willing to help- just let us know what you are wondering about. You must be so excited to get a grey after years of wanting one. You will soon find out how amazing they truly are.

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