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Pet store birds...?


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So I'm considering getting another parrot, but there aren't many breeders in my area (ohio) thus I'm dumped at a pet store as an option. Are birds that come from pets stores like puppies from pet stores? I.E from puppy mills, health defects, came from crummy condition, etc.


I do NOT and will not support a bird version of puppy mills. Does anyone know about this topic - where the birds from pet stores come from? I don't even see the point in asking the staff as they lie anyway.


thanks in advance!



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I'm from Washington State but I do know that our pet stores get there animals, birds, etc. from breeders, rescue services, and from former owners who want to find their birds new home for one reason or another. I know my bird's breeder had a pet store owner from Idaho coming in to get 2 of her babys for his store. There are birds on E-bay, Craig 's List from breeders, or present owners who don't want their birds anymore. I would believe its the same in most states. Washington is not unique. Hope that helps. Good Luck.

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I would tell you that most of the chain stores buy from mills but many of the mom & pop stores buy from private breeders...but I'm a pet store employee so I MUST be a lier.


I too find your comment insulting and if you walk into a pet store on a high horse like you did in your post then I don't blam the staff for being rude. I know I have better things to do and people to help than someone with that attitude.


A bit harsh I know, but Im getting SICK of the stereotyping that pet store workers are a tier lower than used car saleman!!!!! I come home every night with almost no voice because I'm talking non-stop all day explaining what goes into bird ownership and helping people with every issue under the sun they may have with their birds...from finches to Hyacinth, to diet to plucking...and not a WORD out of my mouth is a lie.


Im sure Kitt79 feels the same way.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/10/06 08:50

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I too once worked ina pet store part time and I gave people my all in trying to give them the best advice, though not with parrots but with budgies tiels so to my knowledge all the birds were from local breeders who sold them to the store when they had surplus etc.


I bought both of my birds from a chain store later in the years and they gave me all the info i needed about my boys so not all stores are bad. I def think you can tell once your in the store and see the birds if your adoption should take place there or not

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Perhaps , you are directing your coments to your store . Which is understandable and I am sure you didnt mean all pet stores and employees are liars .Of course not .Every store in the pet market should have an employ as dedicated as BMUSTEE, I wish she worked at our pet store .

There are many bird breeders that will be happy to ship a bird , and the people I know who have done this , have great birds and they were in great condition when they arrived , maybe a bit scared .Also , you could check into adoption in your area.

Good Luck

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Yes as a whole petstores do have a very bad name and reputation for supporting puppy and kitten mills, and I am sorry to say birds to. If all people would just stop buying these animals from pet stores things would get better, the laws in both the US and Canada are very soft and must get tougher is these situations but in a lot of cases it is a cash deal between the store and the seller and the inspectors cant get to the person who did the selling.

With regards to employees in these stores, there is out there, a few very dedicated people that will offer the correct advise and help, people like BMustee who will step up and tell it like it is. But not all are like this due to maybe there age and they only repeat what they were told to say, or what they have seen they have no real education on what they are selling. That is the fault of the store.

There are many reputable breeders out there, you may have to travel or make a lot of phone calls but they are there if you really want to find them.

It took almost a year to find mine and a lot of phone calls and checkking into references but it can be done.

I do not support pet store puppies, kittens or birds as there history can be fabricated. I only hope that one day the laws can be tough enough that it will stop. But it will only stop if we speak out for those who cant. So many times people see things and say "someone should do something about that" well that someone is you, report all you may think is not right make people aware of the situation you see. If more people took the time to make phone calls, write e-mails and letters the faster things will start to turn around.


I am sorry that I sound like I am standing on a soap box, giving a speach but as a Doberman breeder for over 20 years there is not much I have not seen, that Human beings can do to an animal, or bird.


Please check out everything before you make a educated decision.


Again sorry for the sermon


Carolyn & Mika

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:) Well , unfortunatly the all mighty Dollar rules as we have all seen this past week on the news . There is nothing against the law to breed birds and sell to chain stores .So good luck on getting the laws turned around . Perhaps the attack should be on the stores as it has been on Petsmart in the past .They are the ones who need to educate their employees , to speak knowledge about the animals , and they need to make sure who they are purchasing from is a high standard breeder .Breeders are out there , as with anything we buy , research should be conducted , as long as people demand the best , they will get the best . I know there are many pet stores that should be out of business , as well as hair salons , grocery stores etc....Also , there are many pet stores that run a very knowledgeable staff and really care about the birds and animals they sell .So , lets don't push so hard that we put the good ones out of business.

Now , I am off my soap box .


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I think this type of decision is like any other one which involves assessing a human being or a situation: run some "tests" and your instincts will tell you a lot.


In retrospect, I could have spent a lot more time background-checking different pet stores and sources before buying my grey, but the fact is I was an innocent and I didn't. The business I bought Maxi from is a small "chain", in that it has two shops. However, I did walk into the store (which was recommended to me by another new and little-experienced grey owner) expecting them to want to size me up as a parrot owner. I started off with the assumption that their bird staff was going to consist entirely of BMustees and kitt79s, i.e. people who really know what they are doing, and care, and that they would be vetting me as an adopter. I told them from the outset that I had a lot to learn before making a decision, and would need some recommendations and advice, and that it was probably going to take weeks, and how how did they feel about me coming in often to ask questions and visit the birds before I'd even spent a dime? Then I waited to see how they would respond to this (okay, so maybe I'm a little devious...:whistle: ), and in my case I was very satisfied with the response.


There were (and still are) some staff members in the store who are not very professional, but it didn't take long for me to figure out who the (closet) rock stars were in the bird department in terms of their knowledge and seriousness. Truth is, I'd have been very reluctant to buy from that store if I hadn't started to see early on that my attempts at preparation were well-received and supported.


I'm not sure this pet store would only sell birds to people who do what I was doing - I rather doubt it in fact. You might be able to walk into this same store with $2,000 in your pocket and walk out an hour later with an animal and a cage and some advice, depending on who serves you. The store also does some specific things I don't like, such as clipping grey's wings WAY too short, so I just don't go to them for that service. I guess my point is it's often a mixed bag, and you have to do your testing and trust your instincts.


I have felt myself that there is an often tacit negative attitude towards pet stores as a whole in the bird community, and sometimes, of course, it's deserved. It's almost embarassing to admit in this forum that I bought my grey from a pet store, you know? And of course my post here doesn't even touch Carolyn's point about perpetuating poor practices by purchasing from pet stores. Sigh. That's another whole battle, isn't it? I just really appreciate the fact that one can find responsible and dedicated people working in the pet stores sometimes - even occasionally in a chain! - they are worth their weight in gold.


Sorry this got so looooongg! Hope it helps....

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BM and Kit:


I did mean to insult you in anyway shape or form! :(


The particular pet store that is in range of me had very shady employees - I was too applied for a job there (when I was younger, in highschool) and was offered it, the first day of training I was told that our puppies are indeed from mills, but to tell customers that we get them from 'private breeders'. :ohmy: I was not meaning to imply that everyone is like that, as I too would hate to be steroetyped as a 'gamer' who has no life when I infact enjoy my animals, movies, sports etc.


When I told my manager at said pet store that I wouldn't do that, didn't support mills etc. I was told to quit or be fired. Now, this was several years ago granted, but the ethics of the store have not changed much.


Again, BM and Kit I hope you will forgive me - that was my mistake and a bad choice of wording! :pinch:

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Even individual pet stores franchised under the same name can vary greatly in where they get their birds and how they care for them. It all comes down to the people who manage the operation, much like your favorite restaurant.


We have a Petland here where the employees drive over 7 hours (450 miles) to a small breeder in central Florida to hand pick their greys. They do it because they feel strongly about the beauty and personality of the birds this particular breeder produces.


In the store, they keep the birds in large open-air playpens with multiple trees to climb on and plenty of toys. You can walk up to them, stick your hand out, and they'll step right up.


Another Petland not 20 miles away, keeps their birds behind half inch thick plexiglass, with few if any toys and no social interaction. They also aren't very picky about where they get their birds. So, as you can see, it's all about the people.

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It's just a sore point for me, because I do work as a manager for a large chain retail pet store and have seen none of the horror stories people commonly believe about them. In fact, I spend almost all my time trying desperately to educate people enough that I feel safe selling *anything* living to them, and then I get home and see that people think myself and my staff are all liars and idiots...


I certainly won't miss that when I become a stay at home mom!


It's all dependent on the people working there and how much they've been educated. I spend a lot of my time lecturing my department on questions to ask potential customers and how they can refuse to sell any living thing and automatically have my full support if it comes back on us from corporate. I know some people out there won't feel as I do, and will be less passionate about their animals, but I certainly don't want to be lumped in with them. :)

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We got our sun conure from a large chain pet store. The staff weaned him and spent tons of time with him. They were very knowledgeable and they treated him as if he were their personal pet. They not only answered all of my questions patiently, but they asked me many questions to make sure that I knew what I was getting into with a sun (they can be super loud and are attention hogs). Stewie (our sun) has such a great personality, is confident, friendly and a complete joy to be around. If we decide to add another conure to our flock (this store usually only carries finches, budgies and conures for birds), we will most likely go back there. Every time we go back to buy food or toys, or just to look around they ask how Stewie is. We had a fantastic experience with a pet store and I could not hope for a better bird than my Stewie.

If you see a bird you may be interested in check out the store, visit often. Look at the condition of the birds, watch how the birds react to the staff members that are interacting with them. There are definately some crummy stores out there, but there are some really great ones too. Check out a few with an open mind, you may be surprised, and you may find your perfect companion there ;)<br><br>Post edited by: Abernathy, at: 2008/10/07 02:05

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All is forgiven.B)


I do know and have seen some pet stores that are not up to par with their info and care on birds...or any animal...and I too would not buy from a store like that. If you walk into a pet store and see unhealthy animals everywhere and the staff seem like morons then I would not buy from them, but if the overall condition is good and the staff is helpful then it's probably an OK place. Being in a pet store I would say if you walk in and the place is packed...like my store can get...if there is a dirty waterbowl here and there don't hold that against them. We have a few birds at my store that not 5 minutes after we change the water it looks like soup. Go in a couple times and try to see how the place looks when it's busy and when it's slow and get a feel for how the people there treat the animals. You come in my store on a Sunday afternoon it's like a petting zoo and I'm focused on the animals safty with the customers and helping people with questions...the floor being swept is the least on my worries! :laugh: But on a slow Monday the floor will be clean, every water bowl spotless and I'll be cuddling one of the birds for sure.

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{Love-000200C5} I know what I'll be visiting tonight! I called a pet store that is about an hour away from me and they have a B&G Macaw I would like to visit, so maybe I'll be able to head that way tonight!


(Depends on if the gas prices have finally dropped! :woohoo: )

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I, too, work at a Pet Store and usually you can tell how the bird was raised according to their behavior. Right now, we have a bird enthusist who hand raises alot of our birds and they come from the best home with constant attention. We usually sell those birds within a few days because people see the time being put into them. We also rescue some birds...for example, someone called us in a low income apartment asking us how much we would give her for her african grey she inherited. Big Chains wouldn't have messed with a bird like this at all, but being a mom and pop store, our owner gave us the Ok to buy the bird and raise it. When we got to the apartment, we found the bird wasn't even fully weaned and the dumb people were wondering why it wouldn't eat seeds. So our bird enthusist has that bird at her house and she is raising it into a wonderful, good tempered bird.


Moral of the story : Not all birds from pet stores are bad, but usually you can tell how they have been treated by their temperment.


I agree about Petland.....they could care less about thier animals and I can't even go in there anymore. It sickens me.

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Tobie came from a pet store and so far I couldn't be happier. The owner is also the owner of a Macaw who lives at the pet store but goes home with her too. Her employess have been with her a long time and raise the babies. Didn't do much research when I bought him, but I got lucky. He is wonderful and becoming a great talker.

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