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Another Newbie!

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I adopted a Grey from a very loving family about 2 weeks ago. He has adapted SO well and we are already bonded. Every day, he continues to say new words and make new sound effects...he's so smart and happy! I haven't noticed any bad habits whatsoever and can't believe my luck in finding this guy. Anyway, here is my Simon. He's as beautiful inside as out. :)







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Hi MB, Simon is one good looking bird;) Thanks for sharing the photos. I adopted a 12 year old grey and he has brought me so much happiness, too. Looking forward to hearing more about you and Simon.


This is a great place to get all the info you need and lots of great people here, too. :)


Is Simon your only bird? How old is he?

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BaxtersMom wrote:

Hi MB, Simon is one good looking bird;) Thanks for sharing the photos. I adopted a 12 year old grey and he has brought me so much happiness, too. Looking forward to hearing more about you and Simon.


This is a great place to get all the info you need and lots of great people here, too. :)


Is Simon your only bird? How old is he?


Thanks! Yes, Simon is my only bird, but not my first-ever bird. Years and years (not telling how many!) ago, I had an Amazon and a cockatiel. But I never took the time to really devote to learning about them and their special needs. My kids are grown now and I have the time to devote to him. Simon's birthday is Tuesday and he will be 6. We are off to an excellent start and I hope to learn all I can about Grey's.



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I think the reason Simon has adapted so well to his new home is the fact that he came from a loving home. I don't know the circumstances of how you came by him, I would imagine his former owners hated to give him up but I guess they had their reasons.


He certainly is used to being with people who love and care about him and that is why you probably won't find any behavioral problems and you are truly blessed to have found him. Maybe you can share that story with us some day.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks so much for sharing some pictures of Simon with us, he is a handsome grey all right, it is obvious that he was well cared for.

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Thank you all for such a warm welcome! Judy, you are right...I know the reason he adapted so well had everything to do with the love, patience, and understanding that he received in his first home. The only reason the girl sold him was because she is in nursing school and doesn't have the time for him. She feels guilty not giving him the attention he has always had...She had him listed 3 times on Craig's List and this last time alone, had 12 people wanting to adopt him. But she told me I was the only person she would feel right about taking him. His great personality and character is a tribute to her, for sure. He is getting LOTS of attention and love here and we bonded so fast, I can't even believe it myself...When I was typing the other day, he climbed down his cage and walked over on the floor to me to see me! How cute is that??? :)


And he has regurgitated for me several times, but I just try to ignore it and distract him with other activities. He has his wings - always has had them intact - and can fly so he takes little spins around the sunroom. I didn't want to stress him out by clipping them right away as he has always had the freedom and ability to fly. Maybe we will do that later on, but not right away.


Again, thanks for the welcome, folks!



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If I was you I wouldn't clip his wings at all, it is your decision of course but a lot of us here at this forum leave our greys full feathered so they can fly around the house and some even take theirs outside on a harness for exercise.


I know his former owner misses him terribly but she can rest easy that he has such a good loving home now.

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Oh, I am so glad you hear you suggest leaving his wings intact! I think it would alter his confidence and personality...I don't really know much about birds, but it just makes sense to leave them alone. I am an equine vet tech and can tell you about horses, but birds are a new thing for me. Maybe when I get too old to wrestle with the big, headstrong horses I will want to work with birds. :)


I tried to keep things as calm as possible his first week here and to try to simulate his previous environment as much as possible. His first mommy and I have been in touch almost every day and I send her a daily email update to let her know how Simon is doing, along with a picture or two. (I LOVE photographing him!) She only lives about 30 minutes from me and I assured her that once Simon really settles in, she could come visit him anytime. It's really the best of both worlds for everyone involved.

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Thats great that you are keeping her updated on his progress, I can imagine that means the world to her and later on she can visit with him and share his love for both of you, it really is the best for all involved.


Simon is one lucky grey to have all of you caring for him.:cheer:

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Hi Mary, welcome here. Those are great photos of Simon, he is a beautiful bird. Sounds like things are going good for you two but let us know if you think of any questions. I would also leave his wings alone if I were you- if you can handle the extra care it takes to make sure they can't escape the house- it gives the bird more self-confidence and isn't it fun to watch them fly around as they were intended to? Best of luck to you.

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