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My first week with ZZero!


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My first week has been so exciting :)!! Zzero has fit right in with our household and is absolutely perfect in every way :P He is a very outgoing little guy and totally fearless. Our first night started with all the introductions. I set the dogs outside and brought him to the dining room table, the family gathered around and we all sat at the same level and he took turns giving us kisses and playing with each of us. So far I think he knows I am mommy but very much enjoys his time with hubby and son also So FAR SO GOOD!


I then let him see his cage which he also loves and brought my dogs in, They are not so sure, much of the time they ignore him but when those wings flap even my Shih Tzu goes on alert.


I have been playing a balancing act with the dogs and him this is a time of patience on mine and everybody's part. Zzeros cage is in the very middle of all activity and he has been content with taking his turn in and outta cage and the dogs are dealing with outta house during these times. I have started leashing my dogs and letting Zzero help show them hes part of the family now. All seem content with this balance act so again patience.


What I have learned so far,

Zzero loves everything but fruit he does not have a taste for sour. He LOVES sweet potato and corn !! We have been experimenting with different foods daily and he is eating up a storm !

Zzero loves water we have showered together and played peekaboo with the water bottle. This is very fun for him and he gets mad at me when its over.

Zzero gets very hyper right before bed for about a hour from about 8 to 9 and does circuits either around his cage or flying back and forth between play stand and cage.

Zzero is a excellent flier so far and pretty much has made a game of flying back to his cage we have had only one crash and he has taken flight in circles several times a day, he seems to be landing as expected where he wants to. ( dogs are outside during these times so far)

Zzero is already trying to talk I have heard a voice here and there rather then just baby noises but of course have no clue what hes trying to say but I listen.

Zzero loves when I sing him lullaby's and he will coo all the way threw them.


He seems be adapting well and we are having a ton of fun. Our new game is playing peekaboo around the walls. I sneak up around the sides of the cages and say peekaboo and he runs over to each side of the cage trying to catch me. He also like to get under blankets and sheets and hide and poke his head out I say peekaboo, I swear he is laughing .


Here he is enjoying hsi game of peekaboo with the spray bottle:


and after:


And him really really enjoying corn look at that messy face :)



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Wow it sounds like you handled the introductions to his new home just right and he is adjusting well, you have done an excellent job with ZZero and he is a cute little character. Thanks for sharing your story and the pics of ZZero with us, we do love to hear how it goes with a new grey owner and you are welcome to update us all you like.:):P

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