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Foraging Toys/Puzzles for Greys


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I have purchased some of these foraging puzzles/toys for Dayo. You can find them in most larger pet stores. He gets immense satisfaction out of getting treats from these types of devices. I found others that have videos of their s solving them.


Dayo never really wants to do it when we are home. He gets into them when he's home alone. as we find the empty devices upon return.


I have other foraging puzzles and will try to capture Dayo defeating them for a far in the next week or two when I get a chance and post the video.




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What research I have done says foraging toys are great for keeping your Greys from getting bored or plucking feathers. They stimulate their minds. I have sent off for several. Some of the ones I saw in your video in fact. Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed them.:kiss:

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