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Compainion to my CAG :)


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So I'm considering getting a companion for Woody, my 6 year old CAG. He has never had another flock mate (a bird I mean) so I'm kind of apprehensive that he would hate anyone I bring home! :unsure: He is very protective of me. I think maybe if I handle everything correctly it might work out, or maybe get a bird bigger than him so he's to 'scared' to pick a fight? Or a bird smaller so he doesn't feel threatened? Woody is my first parrot and so I am nervous about adding another member, but I would like one and I think he would in the long run as well.


I'd love to get a Macaw, but I'd also like to know more about them. I'm open to any and all suggestions, I'd like to learn about all my options - and I'd LOVE to hear your advice. Tell me about your bird's - what species are they, what do you like most about them? Is that trait specific to the species? (I.E cockatoos clown like behavior).


I think I got spoiled getting my CAG and his cage and toys etc. for $100 (USD)...and now I'm looking at other birds and they are, of course, 800+...hehe


Whew...thank you in advance!




-Amberly and Woody!

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Amberly, I have a sun conure that I got before I got my grey so I have not added to my flock since then so I don't know how she would react to the addition of yet another bird. I really have no desire to add another at this time or ever as I am comfortable with what I have.


Just remember that if you do get another bird be sure to do things for Woody first so he knows he is the top bird, being there first is important to him so always make him feel special in that regard.


I am not going to recommend any particular bird as you are the one who has to make that decision for yourself and what you like. Just remember that whatever bird you do get probably won't get along with Woody just because greys are notorious for disliking other birds even other greys. My Josey and Sunny, my conure do not get along but they do co-exist in the same room, they do not share the same playstand and if both are on my shoulder at the same time they are on opposite sides. They are not aggressive towards each other but if one gets too close then the other will try to get in a bite.


Whether you want a smaller bird or a larger one, do the research to find what is the most compatible for you in terms of what you are wanting out of another parrot.

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Hi Like Judy I believe the bird you get depends on you. I have a grey and a cockatiel.They do not get on. The tiel would love to be friends with Charlie but I just know Charlie would attack if given the chance. I have just had the tiel clipped because he kept flying to charlies cage putting himself at risk.So far this is working ok. Maybe a bird of a similar size to the grey would eliminate some of the risk.Greys are not very sociable. well mine is not, sure some people have greys who are sweethearts and would disagree with me but its only my own experience. Sheila

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I have spent all day reading and I've heard several people say that their Grey's do not get along with the rest of their flock - as I don't believe Woody would much. He might appreciate some one to whistle to while I'm at work, but he would not be the cuddly type I believe. Makes me wonder...I want another Grey (or other, still thinking) - would it be selfish to get one if Woody doesn't like it? :S

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I find that although my birds cant be in contact with each other they do interact by whistles and they copy what each other say, the cockatiel is so funny, he can talk very well, Mostly by listening to the grey. I think they are good company for each other while I am at work.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/10/04 23:23

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I don't know about "off the books" but you know why they call them "velcro birds" don't you, because you can't pry them off of you, they tend to want to be permanently attached to you, can you handle that?


Not trying to talk you into one but a lot of the conures can be clownish and funny, mine is at times, I would thoroughly research before committing to a particular one.

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I've heard that too, but that might be good - I know I would give Woody lots more attention, but he eventually gets to the point where he is like "GET OFF ME!" haha, he's like the teenager who is embarrassed to have his mother smother them with kisses.

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Hi Amberly,


I have a second grey. We got him for us and not for our first grey but I am lucky in that they get on extremely well to the point that now they share a cage. I have become an expert at what I call the double handed head rub. The 2 of them sit one on each knee, heads down while I rub both of them at the same time. Its really cute, because each of them is sneakily watching the other to make sure the cuddles are equal and fair;)


I too am fascinated by the cockatoo. They are gorgeous birds, and there are so many different sized cockatoos! My big reason for not having one is their scream:S Their scream is LOUD, and I imagine my greys imitation of it would be even louder:ohmy:

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We have a senegal and Alex will attively go after him. Even though Martini has his own stand. Alex doesn't have to share his playstand or the stand over his cage. But he will still go after Martini. He gets time out when he does it. But most times he will come out of his cage from time out and go right back to chasing Martini. It's not all the time but enough to be really annoying.


Before getting a too do lots of resurch. Yes they can be total goofballs but they are tons of work. They are the number one bird that you will find in rescues.

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Amberly - I sympathize with your dilemma, as I am struggling with the same urge to add another parrot to my flock. Actually, the economics (both of money and of time) are likely to "save" me from doing it, but in my case it's a specific bird that is drawing me in.


I bought Max at a pet store with a pretty decent bird department. I go back to that pet store every few weeks to buy supplies for her and our other pets, and of course I always have to go back to the bird room and check out the residents. B) There are still three birds there who have been there since the time I first was getting to know Max. One of them is a severe macaw, who has always been pretty responsive to me, to the point that for a while I actually avoided going into the bird room because I felt like he was really getting attached to me, and it felt unfair to him. I went in yesterday, though, and he was clearly happy to see me again. By last night I found myself looking around the house trying to figure out whether we could maybe fit another big cage against that wall ... hmmmm.:whistle:


Over the months, I have done some reading about severe macaws, and I know the bird would be a good match for me, but like you I really doubt Max would be too excited about having an interloper in the house. Since you mentioned macaws, though, I thought I'd share this with you - I had never heard of any of the mini-macaws until I met this one last year, and maybe you haven't heard much about them either. As I have said, I will probably not end up acting on this desire - perhaps as much because I am not sure there's "enough of me to go around" (I am a single parent, working full-time, increasingly a caretaker for my elderly (ill) mother, plus four other fids in the house, and Max is still an impressionable juvenile), but the temptation is really there, and the bird is working me over emotionally. Maybe you can come up to NH and give this guy/girl a wonderful home? ;) He's on sale.....:whistle:


Sorry, I know that last was unfair. :blush: I do understand what you're going through, though - and I wish you good luck with your decision!

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I had a Cockatoo the dust from both birds was un bearable if you didn't play with the Cockatoo for at least 15 minutes every hour he would scream and i don't mean a little i mean alot and loud. I could not have him around my kids of my other birds because he would attack so he had to be in a room totaly by himself which was unfair to him I loved my too but their was no way I could keep him If I had no other bird he would have been the perfect companion but they really are not good with other birds or other oets for that matter. My conure is a rea clown and lots of fun to watch The best one of my birds other than another Grey is my Amazon as far as getting along with Tyco Tyco always wants to play with Fergie and will go over to her playtop. Fergie isn't aggresive towards her but she will go into her cage if she doesn't want Tyco around and Tyco respects that and doesn't follow her into her domain its the perfect relationship

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Linda: can't make it to NH - meet you half way? :P I'm just teasing, that is a bit to much :laugh:


As I continued my research on Cockatoos I think I've had a change of heart/mind. Agreed about the attention and as much as I still want one I think Woody and I's relationship would take a nose dive if I had to give that much attention to a 'too. I visited my parents today at their vacation home and we were riding around the neighbor hood on a golf cart and there was this lady outside with a Macaw. I yelled "stop the cart stop the cart!" ;) as I just had to get out and talk to her. I met Odell (the macaw) who promptly said "Hello!" as soon as I walked up to the porch. I spoke with the lady about him, his habits, talking ability, attention needs, diet, got to see his cage etc.etc. - it was pretty cool and great timing that I just so happen to be on the fence about which species to get. I think I'm going to head toward Macaw.


I have read about the 'mini macaws' but one of the reasons I was leaning toward them was their size and beauty (is that shallow? :dry: ) .


Thank you all for your help!



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Not shallow at ALL, Amberly - pragmatic! Similar size to a grey - something you are used to. And the severe really looks like a little emerald to me; quite lovely. Hey one of the first reasons I liked greys when

I first saw them in Africa was their subtle, elegant coloring.:)


Sure seems like the fates are putting things out there for you, placing a macaw in your path yesterday!

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