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Darcy in his flight suit


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Last week was the first time I tried putting a flight suit on Darcy, my 4 month old CAG. He does not like his suit! I left it on about 15 minutes and then the next day, when I brought him into the office for the afternoon, I left it on him a bit longer. I'm hoping over time he will accept it. I understand now why there are training suits that are a lot cheaper than the normal ones. The one I've had on him has become his training suit as there are lots of holes in this one now. I'd thought I'd share a photo with y'all![/img]

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Patsy wrote:

Ok, if at first you don't succeed try again until you really look foolish.




Great line!!!


Nope he doesnt look too impressed at all does he?? Poor little fellow. I'm sure he will get used to it though. At least he lets you put it on him;)

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There's a guy here at work that has 3 parrots, and all of his are accustomed to their flight suit. Do they love them? I think in his case they may because they only don their suit when they go 'visiting' places and they are used to the leash/suit harness getup. The manufacturer recommends that you make a game of it. I like the option and want to get Darcy used to it so I can take him to friends' houses and not be worried about their reaction to his 'poop'. But then again....I am a newbie!

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I think the flight suits are cute but doesnt the poop get on the bird after awhile you couldn'd keep him in it for more that a couple hours without him needing a diaper change. I think I prefer a harness I don't like the whole idea of the poop sitting in the suit with the bird I would worry about diaper rash or infetion in that part of their body. Mind you I've never really seen one th see how it works too keep all that stuff away from the bird.

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Skippy and Scookie wore flightsuits when we went out but the thing with them, they don't poop in them, it's like they hold it. so I stopped putting them on. I was afriad and know the feeling when you gotta hold it for awhile. So I felt sorry for them and we don't use them anymore. Skippy has a Tux and Scookie has a rainbow one (and complex) now. I used the liners in theirs too so I don't know if they were too bulkie for them or too close to you know where.:laugh:

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I have Elmo harness trained and I've been thinking of getting the flight suit because Elmo seems to have a nervous butt and when she is freaked out it's non-stop poop down my back.:sick: :laugh: So my question is, how much poop can these things hold? An afternoons worth or just an hours worth?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


The things we ask around here!!!


Also, how secure is it? They are held together with velcro right...I would think a determind parrot could take it off. Any issue with yours?

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The tailend of the suits has a pouchlike hanging a bit. I would think just to try Elmo in it a few hours and go with him on it. Some keep them in it all day. Skippy's would be shredded hanging off him like he'd been in cat fight if I left it on all day. :silly:

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I'm curious to know how much poop it holds too...I would LOVE to get woody one, we could explore so many more places! However, if only for an hour, no point really.


Also, any tips for getting it on one seriously-not-liking-flight suit-attitude stricken CAG? :P


I think he'd look hot in a a TUX!


Also, do the liners come out and you wash that, or are they paper and you pitch them and wash the whole thing?<br><br>Post edited by: Anmlhggr, at: 2008/10/05 16:29

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Avian Fashions recommends changing out the liner or the suit every 3-4 hours. They have a nifty example of how to put on the suit. see http://www.flightquarters.com/how_to.htm There is also a video available.


That didn't exactly work for me. I ended up holding Darcy close to my chest with one hand, using the other to get on strap around his wing and foot -- always hoping that the strap would be around the left or right side, and not crossing over to where it didn't belong.:evil: Then I would quickly change hands, repeating the step above. Eventually, you can hope to fasten the velcro on the back.


Note the pouch is fairly big -- and could hold a lot of poop if you get the pooch lined up correctly. I would say a day's worth of Darcy's would fit in there. I just wouldn't want to keep that much in his suit.


I started out using the liner(s) but then the suit seemed awfully bulky. Essentially they are 'kotex thin liners', so you could probably get them cheaper at the store :P . So all you men, run on out to the store!!!


I just ordered a training suit for Darcy from Avian Fashions. They highly recommend putting some kind of 'bitter' spray on the suit where the bird chews. I wasn't sure what she was talking about, but hey, sure, just add it to my order.


By the way, The first Monday of each month there is a 50% off item. You have to call them to get the special. The special for today is a fleece flight suit in charcoal grey, deep blue or deep purple. Yep, got one of these on my order today. Doesn't really pay to call :side:

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Good luck with Darcy's flight suit. Tobie has been wearing one all summer long. It was wonderful not having to worry about getting pooped on. I would take him for walks and rides in the car and to see my mother at her place. Tobie never got over chewing on the straps though. I just kept repairing them. I bought some apple bitters to spray on the straps, but by then he was molting and I didn't want the apple bitters to get on his feathers from the suit, so I never used them. I've bought an aviator suit, but he hasn't tried it on yet. What will I do without the poop pouch? Where I can take him will be limited.

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