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not sure if its the right time


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A breeder friend of mine has a brand new clutch of Cags and Tag the Cags are ready now the Tags won't be ready to go for 6 to 8 weeks. I've always wanted a Tag as a matter of fact I was looking for a Tag when I got Tyco but Tyco needed a good home so very badly so I got her instead. Anyway this is my chance to get a Tag but I'm really not sure if I should or not Tyco is just starting to come around and really learning to trust again. I don't know if she would think I'm replaceing her and her going in a reverse mode or somthing like that. I love her to bits and do not in anyway make her upset because I bought another African grey. Do you think I should wait awhile longer or do you think it would be okay to get a Tag at this time, I bought My Indian Ring neck not long ago and she was fine with that but I'm just a little concerned because it's another Grey. Do you thinks she would recognise it as a african grey because its a differnt sub species than she is. like I said she doesn't seem to get upset when I bring different types of birds into the flock.

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Hiya Pat,

We all know the great work you have done with Tyco you have done so well with all the patience and love you have given.

As I speak to you I am sat with my newest addition cuddled into my shoulder who is 19 weeks. he is my third grey and I worried how the other two would act when I got him. Yes there has been some jelousy and the love and attention has to be split between three now.

I dont know an answer for your situation, Tyco like you say is used to other birds and being part of a flock, Im not sure how Cags and Tags interact with each other but a few other members will probably be on soon to answer who have both.

I dont think he will feel he has been replaced if you give him the same attention which I know you will.

I hope you make the right decision for you and Tyco.

Keep us updated.


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Hi Pat,


Only you can truly decide this based upon your best judgement regarding Tyco. As Casper mentioned, as long as your time and relationship does not change with Tyco, it should go ok.


This is truly a tough decision your trying to make.

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I have decided I'm going to wait until next year she only breeds her Tags And Cags once a year and right now she has one left thats available. I think its best to give Tyco another year before I bring another baby Grey in Baby's take up an awful lot of time scocializing them and teaching them all the things they need to know to be well adjusted grown up birds. I also am turning my spare bedroom into a bird room which is also going to be a big adjustment for Tyco to go through that change and a new bird at the same time would be just to much right now for her.As it is I'm worried about the move to another room she has been in my bedroom with me for a whole year because thats where I spend allot of my time so its going to be very different for her not to have me right there with her day and night. She wakes up sometimes and says MOM just to make sure I'm there and I always answer I'm here go to sleep and she does. when she moves I'm not going to be there to answer her when she wakes up. Its all to much for me I don't no what its going to be like for her.

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Hey, Pat


I feel like you are making the right decision. Thank you for sharing your thought process with us! Tyco (like all your birds) is very lucky to have a parront who gives such deep consideration to their emotional welfare.


Your description of her waking up and saying "Mom" just tugged at my heartstrings. I'm sure you're right that the move to a new room is going to be enough of an adjustment for her for the time being! Karma to you for your wisdom....

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That is a good idea I keep it in mind. Thankyou for the suggestion I would have never thought of that its been years since I've had babys I didn't even know they made two way ones but even if it wasn't 2 way I could at least hear her when she called out and go and reasure here that I'm their for her so she doesn't stay up all night calling to me. thats the only problem with my bird room its way at the opposite end of my house I'm at one end and they are at the other end and there are five rooms in between there's no way i'd be able to hear her quiet little whinny MOM in the middle of the night. A baby monitor is a perfect idea. Thanks again.

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Patricia, I think you've made a wise decision- if not for Tyco's sake then for your own. Only you know how much you can handle at one time- if you have to divide your time even more between a new baby then Tyco, Fergie and the rest of the flock would have a little less one-on-one time with you themselves. Giving Tyco some more time to adjust to you, the changes in her life and especially the adjustment to a new room will be good. I think the baby monitor is also a great idea! Especially because you'll hear if any of them get spooked in the night and need you to help calm them down. I think it's very sweet that she calls to you at night- you two must have a special bond.

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