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New Cage for Zooloo


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You all will be pleased to hear that my boy now has a ginormous cage with many more toys and perches. The cage is 40x36x56! And I got it for $150. It was used, but is like new. He is a much more happier bird and for that, I am a happier human. I tried to upload some pictures, but was unsuccessful. Probably just not compatible. It appears that the size/unable to accomplish. Too bad, because I have some really good ones that I wanted everyone to see.:( I have an Olympus fe-230, with 7.1 megapixels. On another note; have any of you heard about POLYMERFUME FEVER? I heard that it is LETHAL to our parrots. It comes from using Teflon pans or Teflon burner shields. There is a gas that is released when the teflon is over-heated. So, needless to say, there are not going to be anymore teflon pans in my house.

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The facts about Teflon have been on most bird boards for many years.

As far as your camera---if you don't have an online storage area for your pictures, you won't be able to post them. Type PHOTOBUCKET.COM

It's a free online storage area which copies any picture you put there. When the time comes when you wanna post a pic, simply go to your storage area, copy the IMG link and paste it in with your post. Only you have access to your storage area. Most of the people here and on other boards use Photobucket. There are other storage places but this one is the easiest to work with.


PS--Photobucket allows you to choose the size of the picture you want to post<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/10/03 05:47

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Its never to late as long as your here now and trying to learn as much as possible as fast as possible thats the main thing. did you sanatize the used cage you bought before you put Zooloo into it. If a parrot lived in it before and died from some kind of illness it could get passed on to your bird and that would be a disaster. I bought a used cage also for Tyco if you rember I posted a pic in your last thread. I bought it from a bird rescue for 100. when I brought it home I starilized the whole cage with a steam cleaner It looked spotless when I got it and like brand new. and the lady at the rescue told me they had never used it because it was just to big to move from foster home to foster home. because it doesn't come apart but I wasn't taking any chances with my beautiful fid and starilized it anyway. I think its very important to do that with anything used that you get for your parrot.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/10/03 06:53

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Hi Dave,


Even though I was told that it had been sanitized, sterilized and sand-blasted, I did not think for one moment to put my guy in that cage. I have had extensive experience with diseases/contaminants involving several diference species both wild and domestic. I used both bleach and nolvasan and scrubbed all. Thank you anyway for pointing that out.

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I have had my parrot for about 10 days now. I have not taken him out of the house to visit anyone. I brought him home with a cat carrier. I was wondering if there is a more comfortable way for him to travel. Someone told me he could just go in the car without restraint. Not confident with that. Are there special cages for transport other than carriers? What is the best? I will need to be taking him to the vet for a well-check.

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Just look for Tropical Bird Traveler for birds. I purchased a great soft-sided carrier that looks like a backpack from Pet Voyage. 12" x 8.5" x 16". It has a perch inside. It is for attended birds only, for things like vet visits. There are more elaborate ones also. Good luck in you search.:cheer:<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/10/04 03:36

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I use the cat carrier for Elmo when we go to the vet but I normally use a harness. I put a towel at the bottom so she doesn't slide all over and I have seen a number of people that installed a perch in theirs for the birds.


When we go for a car ride she does like to sit on my shoulder but she is on the harness, not free range.

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Glad you got the cage for Zooloo. I am sure it is appreciated. YOu seem determined to do your best for Zooloo and thats brilliant. Much has been written about tefflon toxicity, read all you can. Also take note that air freshners, perfumed candles, new carpet and all sorts of household products are bad for birds.Dont panic, just read and learn and use common sence. You are doing well so far. I have a wingabego bird carrier for charlie but they are very expensive and their are just as good more reasonably priced ones on the market. You are so right not to put Zooloo in the car without restraint. Dangerous for all concerned. Sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/10/04 12:33

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