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Tough desision!!


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I'm turning my spare bedroom into a bird room. I can't wait until its finished all that bird mess in one room is going to be wonderful. Its a nice big room lots of space to fly and swing and climb. My problem is how am I going to move Tyco without her totally going backwards. she's been in my bedroom ever since I've had her because thats where I spend most of my time due to my disability. I have to have my feet up for half my waking hours. two hour up 2 hours down sort of thing. and on the nights I work I spend pretty much all day with my feet up so that I can do the 6 hour shift on my feet. anyway enough about me. Do you have any sujestion on how to move her with out her freaking out. I was thinking mabie of taking her in there everyday and staying with her let her play and check things out. but don't move her cage for a couple weeks. and then after she totaly feels comfortable being in that room with me. then I would do another couple weeks without me there. and after that Id move her cage in there. the rest of my birds I'm not worried about they will be fine its just Tyco you know how Greys can be they are very sensitive to change if anyone has a better Idea please let me know Thanks

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Pat I would do as you suggested, take her into the room without the cage and let her play and spend some time there to get used to the room. Then slowly take her cage into the room all the while talking to her telling her exactly what you are doing. she may surprise you and accept it more readily than you expect.


Congrats on turning a bedroom into a bird room where the mess can be confined to one area, will be easier to clean up birdie messes and we all know they can make the biggest messes.

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Your plan and time periods sound like a good way to introduce Tyco to the Bird Room.


One thought though, in case Tyco does want to be with you during the day at times, once you have the move completed, are you going to have a playstand or something for him to be able to sit with you at times?


It may be necessary to keep him happy. :-)

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Oh yes I will keep a few things in my toom so that if she wants to come and hang out she can. or any of the birds for that matter. All of them are flighted so If they want to come and hang out they can just fly on in. I do that now with the birds that aren't with me in my room they fly in every now and then just to hang out for an hour or so. Tyco is also fully flighted but she hasn't learned to fly yet. Some stupid person didn't let her fledge when she was a baby. She is trying now a little bit yesterday she flew from her cage to my bed which is about 8ft. I know its not far but its a start. After the move I will make a point of going to the bird room and ask her if she wants to come and hang out with me at least until she learns to fly.

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