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One strp forward two steps back


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Greyson my rescued grey that I have had since July has went backwards in his adjusting to his new home. When I first got him (he was abused) he was terrified of being carried and would throw his self on the floor off the perch I use to carry him. For two months now he has been stepping up willingly and letting me carry him to his play stand and back to his cage. Last night when he stepped up, I had only gone about 2 steps, when he fell hit me in the chest and bounced onto the floor. He hit his beak and the tip was bleeding.

This morning he went out to the play stand fine. When I asked him if he was ready for bed he stepped up nicely I got him two feet from his cage and he jumped off, hit the wall and fell on the floor. I walk slow, talk nicely and calmly and I don't know what else I can do. I just makes me actually "sick" when he hits the floor, I don't know how to help him.

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Debbie, has anything changed about you that Greyson may have noticed that is causing the reaction he is giving you right now? I ask because they notice little things like a different shade of nail polish or a different hair style. My Josey reacted like she was afraid of my hands when I wore some nail polish as I don't usually wear any.


Don't let this discourage you for you do have a long road to travel with this grey in light of him being abused before but something is bothering him.


Has he been to see an avian vet since you got him? If not, why not schedule a visit and see if he is well and healthy.

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I agree something has change somehow. mabie he's not feeling well or mabie his beak is sore from the fall the other night. Their beaks are very sensitive and if it was bleeding he may have an infection starting in it. I would take him in just for a quick look just in case. better safe than sorry.

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Yes I agree with Judy and Pat, I would go to the vet just to get him checked out and have that beak looked at.

Have there been any other changes in the home? Furniture moved, etc?

They are so sensitive,just the slightest change can upset them.


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No changes that I can think of. I did color my hair, but that was 2 weeks ago. He didn't even seem to notice. I have had him at the vet on Aug 1st. He had a clean bill of health then, but I will call and see what she says about the beak now. You can't see anything by looking at it, and he still eats, but you never know.

I always take Myah(my green wing ) first, so he knows what I am doing and I also talk to him about it the whole way. He has been fine, that's why I don't get it. I will call the vet though and see what she says. Thanks again.

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daludlum wrote:

I walk slow, talk nicely and calmly and I don't know what else I can do. I just makes me actually "sick" when he hits the floor, I don't know how to help him.


I am so sorry to hear this trend backwards has occurred.


I can only assume he is clipped and can only fly enough, uncontrolled to the and hit fairly hard, from what you have described. Since he is fearful of the walk now from his first fall that damaged his beak. I can only assume he his probably very fearful of the trip between the cage and playstand and just freaks out and jumps before you can get him to where you want.


This poor guy is trying to adapt to the loving home you are providing, but his deep inner fears are still there. Is there any possibility that the playstand could be moved close enough for him to climb out of his cage and on to it?


The other option may be, if he trusts you enough. Would be to move the perch you have him on closer to you body while transporting him and have your other hand in front to try and stop him from jumping.

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His wings aren't clipped, he is a plucker. He has bad balance anyway and when he is scared, which is always if you are trying to anything with him, he flaps his wings non stop. I think he might want to fly away, or maybe he balances that way???

He has 6 little red spikes right now(tail feathers) if he will just leave them alone, maybe that will help his balance if they grow in.

He has one playstand right next to his cage. I let him come and go all the time. I don't shut his cage door. If I am gone or at night, I shut the room door.( their cages are in the office room where I have my computer) His other playstand is in the family room, next to myah's big stand. He seems to like it out there. When I ask him If he wants to go play he lifts his foot to reach for the perch.

I always do everything with Myah first and show him, so he sees she is not afraid and she thinks it's fun. That is how I got him to go on the perch at all. At first if I just showed him the perch he would throw himself on the floor.

I really don't know how someone could be stupid enough to knock a bird onto the floor, but that is what the original people did to him. I don't blame him for being scared and I know why he is, I just don't know how to help him

Thanks for your suggestions. I will hold him closer and see if he is ok with that or not.

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Oh Jesus, I can not imagine the fear he felt in the previous home of being knocked to the floor by them. That makes me want to go knock them to the floor. :angry:


Your right, they will flap to try and keep balance, if they are losing it. It's great to hear he wants to be with the rest of the flock and hang out in there with you all. :-)


You have certainly made huge progress with this poor fellow. Hopefully, due to your great care and love. He will stop the plucking, regrow his feathers and gain flight and coordination. :-)

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