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lost african grey


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does anyone have any idea how far african grey birds fly and their flight pattern. I am sick that my bird flew away. I am trying to get some answers. She was spotted in neighborhood 2 miles away the next day then in a neighborhood about 5-6 miles away eating sunflower seeds from a man. The man who looked similar to my husband got close enough to pick her up but his dog scared her away. Does anyone have any ideas what I can do to find her? I have asked radio station to advertise but they never call back and when I call they say they have been busy and told me to email a dj which i did but never heard anything back. I have put posters up and county says to take them down immediately that I can not post any more signs. contacted vets/spca/bird stores/bird society/ will she come back to the man who had the dog since he puts out sunflower seeds? Don't know if a hawk got her or a person who will not turn her in. I put add in newspaper. Help, any ideas???THX

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Have you put her cage outside your home with the door open and her favorite toys and treats?


Perhaps, at where she was last seen, if you have a call that she is use to you could try calling her?


Knock on doors in the area??? If someone found her they might be willing to return her then.


I pray you find her or a kind sole returns your friend.:dry:

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Have you knocked on all the doors and spoken to people in the area your grey was last seen?

Make sure you do and post leaflets there with a contact number so people can get in touch if your bird is seen there again.

I pray you get your loved one back, I cant imagine what you are going through.


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I have done everything, going in every neighborhood calling her, driving 350 miles in different neighborhoods. I was hoping someone would be able to tell me the flight patterns as to how far will she fly? How far will she go? Is she looking for our house?She was seen with doves. Can she survive with the Hawks out there? Can she dodge the Hawks? I have no closure because she has not been sighted since last Friday, one week ago. I do not know if she is even alive. If I only had closure> How long will she wait untill going to a person? How long should I advertise in the Paper? I had another lady call last night and she said she would be looking out for her which is the same neighborhood she was sited which was about 6 miles away. I do have her cage outside. The radio station never called me nor answered my email so every avenue at trying to get the word out is roadblocked. My heart is torn out!!!! Please pray for me. THXS

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Guest Skuffy

I feel for you,,I lost my Grey the other week,,Read my story..Max has gone..


remnant333 You've all u can..Just a waiting game now..



I so really hope you get it back,,xxx<br><br>Post edited by: Skuffy, at: 2008/10/03 11:36

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Have you alerted the mail carriers in the radius you are searching? Landscaping companies? Land surveyors? All folks who are routinely out-of-doors - they may see something. How about schools, with kids who may be walking home?


I really wish you the best of luck. I have you and your bird in my prayers!

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What happened? How did you lose your grey? I'm curious what the circumstances where that led up to him being missing. I like to learn all I can in hopes of preventing any chance I might miss of risking being in the same situation.

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It has now been 12 days and we had several calls. One man that was feeding the birds said he saw her on ground feeding on sunflower seeds he put down.. He thought she was a falcon since he did not see my signs yet that I posted in his neighborhood untill after he saw the bird. His neighborrhood was about 7 miles away from mine. He put on glove and bent down to pick her up and she did not run from him but stayed right next to him. His wife let the chiwauwa dog out and it scared my bird away. they have not seen her since. We saw a huge hawk in their neighborhood. We feel as if maybe the hawk got her or another person got her and is keeping her inside and will not call because they want to keep her.


We were eating outside on our table and I always had the bird outside with me when eating. My husband was picking at her as he always did when we were inside. She used to always go back to him because she liked it when he picked at her and would always come back for more. Well this time, she did not want to be bothered so she flew off. We always kept wings cut but did not realize her wings had grown back. We were both in shock cause we did not realize she could fly that high!!My husband had not been feeling good and ended up at hospital the next day because he had pneumonia and his hands were swollen up. We did however go around neighborhood immediatley after she flew off calling and calling but she never answered and we could not find her for about 4 hours. We looked and called untill it got dark.


She was never the kind of bird that would answer us even when she was in cage. In fact she was very quiet and would talk softly. Even though we would try to get her out of cage to come in with us, she never wanted to be bothered. Are all greys like this that they are so independent that they do not want to be bothered? Only if I had food would she come out of cage. We always kept cage unlocked and she freely could come out or in as she wanted.


Anytime I would come home the very first thing I would do is go and greet my bird and love on her. She was my baby!!!Also anytime we were home I would keep cage open for her to play on top of cage and around cage. Had big cage for her to play with and lots of toys, bells, ringers, etc. When I was off from work I would hold her for hours on end loving on her,petting her, talking to her,etc.


We raised a blue jay who would fly all around and always come back before night to our house because she did not want to be outside at night. That bird died with old age. The next bird was a conure, who would always fly around outside but never would leave. she would always come when called. I do not understand why the AFrican grey bird would not come to us when we called her even when we tried to get her out of cage, she would be obstinate and sturbborn and we would have to force her out of cage to get her. Once she was on me, I would rub her head and give her kisses and she would kiss me back and she loved for her head to be rubbed. If pigeons and white doves can find their way back home why can't african greys?


Anyhow, I have given up searching for her. North Charleston, S>C> sign inspectors called and told me to remove my signs immediately. We put out about 150 signs everywhere so today, we are going to remove them. Noone will help us to find her. The News & Courier that we advertised in had it in Announcements instead of pets, lost and found. We complained to the editor but I fear it is too late. If I found bird and was searching to see if someone lost bird I would look under pets for lost and found not announcements. Funny though the pets, lost and found section of charleston.net had bird cages and advertisements for bird pet stores instead of what the heading said it was for lost pets. The news and Courier has listed both pets lost and found /and announcements lost and found but under annoucements they have caskets, lawyers,realestate, etc.they put bird ad with these instead of the heading of lost and found pets. I feel that Charleston.net is wrong to advertise like this and mislead people.


I read about a lady that had an african grey named Bongo for 5 yrs and he flew away. She lived near woods area. She hears him calling his name at about 1:00-2:00 am every night. They have searched for bird and bird will not come to them. She has cage outside even bought night vision goggles to try and get bird but bird refuses to be caught. Talk about punishment, to hear your bird every night and bird will not come. She even said at night in winter it got to -20 degrees farenheight and bird still survives and she hears him every night calling his name for the past 4 months and they still can't get him to come to them. They must eat something in the woods??? to survive like that even in below freezing temperatures.

Thx for everyone's prayers. If God does not do a miracle today then I guess it will be too late for me to ever find my lost bird. I loved her but feel that she must not have loved me.


Also read about one guy who taught his bird their phone#/address and the owner's name. when his bird got lost the bird recited owner's name,phone number and address so the person who found him called and bird was returned to owner. I wish I had been smart enough to teach my bird that!!! I never thought of doing that.



Robert and Mary Ponds

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Robert and Mary


My deepest simpathy to you!

Please remember that god works in his own

time dont give up that easily!!!

And i am sure your bird loved you

but remember that even tough she grew up

indoors she is still (in nature)

wild animal.

Im sure thats not the reason for her taking off.

I will keep praying for you!


God give me peace of mind to exept what i

can not change, courage to change what i can and the wisdom

to know the diffrence.


Kind Regards




Post edited by: liefie1, at: 2008/10/05 16:30<br><br>Post edited by: liefie1, at: 2008/10/05 16:43

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Dear Robert and Mary,


I can only Pray that you do receive you dearly loved Grey back. I also Pray that your Husband recovers quickly from his illness, which I would imagine only adds to the stress and anxiety you both must be feeling at this time.


Thank You for posting this terrible loss and describing the ordeal in detail. Your actions to find your much loved feathered companion are admirable and set a great example for all to follow. It also lists many good things a anyone should do in trying to find and retrieve their lost love one.


I can only hope that first that he is still alive and well. Secondly that he is found and returned to you. If he is not returned, then the next best thing to pray for is that he is found by a very loving person and given the wonderful home similar to that he had with you and your husband.


I encourage you to stay and share your good times with your Grey with us and also any possible tips or sightings you may have reported to you.


Some of us know exactly how you feel, as we have lost a much loved Parrot also. Some of us were able to thankfully retrieve them and some not.


Your description of them being silent when they first fly off is very common for them. They are out in a strange place, scared and natural instinct kicks in telling them to be silent, so as not to disclose their location to a predator hunting for a meal. This silence normally lasts for atleast 24 hours. After that, if they can hear you, they will at most times return a contact call to you if they hear you.


I am going to ask the Administrator of this Forum to move this to the Rescue room as a shining example of how to try and recover ones lost Parrot.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/05 16:48

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Thank you for sharing your sad story with us. I am so very sorry for your loss. You, your husband and your grey are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you all well, and please never give up on your sweet bird.


This is just another example of how you should NEVER let your guard down by trusting your bird,and assuming they love us enough to stay with us, or come back to us when you call. That's not how their minds work! I only wish people would do the research and learn these facts before a tragic event like this occurs. :(

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Mary I am so sorry to hear you still have not found your grey, but do not give up as she may still show up yet, I know you feel the worst has happened but keep positive thoughts that you will be reunited with her again soon.


Like Talon said we as owners should take the responsibility to keep our fids safe and sound and that means they do not go outside without being in a cage or enclosure of some sort or on a harness. We have seen it time and time again of birds who were clipped or had never flown away before get spooked and do indeed fly off and a lot of them to never return.


I will keep you and your grey in my thoughts and prayers that she will safely return or be found and returned to you.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi, my name is Nancy. I live in Georgia. The grey you are refering to is my bird. Bongo escaped close to 3 yrs. ago and yes he still is alive and still lives in my yard. He Has fun playing tricks on me.At least 3 times at 3 am i thought my alarm clock went off and went to shut it off and realized it was not even set. It was then i reaized it was coming from outside. It was Bongo sitting in the big oak tree outside my bedroom window. You wondered what he eats,well i hung cups onto 2 trees and fill them nightly for him. He only comes out at dark and he knows exactly where those cups are.Matter of fact he knows my yard better then i do. He was always afraid of hawks as one landed on his cage when i lived in florida an he screamed bloody murder. So i believe thats why he prefers night time. Hes much quieter now but still knows his name. When i put out his food i always call his name over and over again so he remembers who he is.If he were to not say his name i would never know if he is alive. As long as i hear him say his name then i know he survived another night. If you have any questions for me i usually read on this forum 4 days a week. I want everyone to have hope that there lost babys can survive outside.:laugh:

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