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Update on Loki


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Hello all!


Sorry Kim and I haven't been around a whole lot. Since she came home we've both gone back to work and I'm getting ready for an upcoming surgery next Tuesday (... yay ...) so we've been pretty busy. Well, that and Loki is a demanding little diva :laugh:


She has settled in rather well I think, she hates being in her cage, nearly refuses to poop in her cage ( .. again .. yay .. :laugh:), been trying to figure out how to make her poop in there, especially in the mornings ... she hasn't quite made the playgym a couple times :sick:.


She's likes to cuddle a lot, but half the time doesn't want to be touched .. even though she's on Kim or my chest, which is always interesting. She has discovered that she must, at all costs, get her tongue on our TV remotes and video game controllers :whistle: :lol:. The remotes Kim and I used to bribe her off the other hehe. She also practices her Parrot Kung Fu on a few of her toys regularly.


Other then that, she knows what "Num num's" means (food) and from what we can tell knows her name. She's not talking or anything yet but mimics a tongue clicking sound that Kim and I do (It's a quiet sound, so it's fine with me lol).


A few days ago our fire alarm went off for no reason, she got spooked and froze in place but was back to playing a few minutes after it turned off, she's a very tollerant lil' birdy (Though I swear, that night I heard a brief 1/2 second mimic of it :dry: :ohmy:)


When out of her cage she does really enjoy her "private time" which I wasn't expecting. She'll open her beak and semi-lunge at us if we walk by her .. with a little squeek. Not sure how to make her stop that.


No bad bites yet, I think from me playing with her beak from 3 weeks old she knows that we're not afraid of it, and she really enjoys a good beak rub on a regular basis. Even lets us use a paper towel to clean her beak when she's done with her feedings.


We learned to place her on the floor when it's feeding time, she'll do that infinitly cute waddle-walk into the kitchen and waits on the counter to be fed. We origionally were feeding her on the ottoman in the living room, but the counter is far easier to clean (we don't have a table) and she even takes a drink from the tap while she waits for the food to be ready. She would also jump off the ottoman if we took to long, and well, laminate flooring isn't the most forgiving surface for her to land on.




Oh, been trying to get her used to us playing with her wings and turning her over onto her back, but she will have none of that yet, her tollerance of either seems to be diminishing actually lol.


She tollerates a shower every other day (or every third day), enjoying half of them and just glaring at us for the others.


She has been eating on her own, but still takes 3 feedings a day, she's not refusing any of the feedings yet, so we're not quite sure when we should try to wean her off the middle one. Mind you, she doesn't ask for the middle feeding as she does with the morning and night ones .. soooo *shrugs*


We've discovered she likes Brocolli, green and red peper, loves snow pea's and almonds (the almonds will become her training treat) and loves a small piece of whole wheat toast in the mornings. Been wondering about peanut butter, I remember reading somewhere that it's unsafe/unhealthy.


I added a slanted bar onto her play gym, since we discovered she knows how to climb up, but not down, though she doesn't often use it. We also moved her shower perch behind the playgym on the window, she can climb from one onto the other, which she enjoys. She hates the bathroom anyhow, so the shower perch just wasn't being uses. I also had to move her Boing from above her playgym, she was trying to climb up to it when we could clearly tell she didn't have the balance for it yet, but it will go back in the next few weeks I'm sure.


Other then that, I can't think of anything new :) other then my "Loki's Homecoming" video on youtube being remobed for "Infringement" on the Guns and Roses song ... :S :whistle: :unsure: :dry:.


I'll try to get some new pictures posted soon, just haven't had much time to take many, but I will, oh yes, get a waddle-walk video soon .. it's just so damn CUTE! :silly: :laugh: :woohoo:.


That's all for now! I'll try to be on more often, but real life interupts unfortunatly.




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Oh I have been waiting for a update :)) I am so glad she meshing and it seems her personality is really starting to bloom. I got my baby on MON and am see big changes dailey but that the fun og it all :) Hope your suregery is nothing serious and it goes well for you .


How many weeks is she now??

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Thanks for teh update, Bryan! I take it from her final name (and your pronouns) that she DNA-ed as a female - and what a pretty girl!:)


She sounds like she's a real character in the making. Don't worry about your "novel":laugh: - that's what we're here for! Where else can we find an audience for our gushing about our baby fids?


We'll always be glad to hear more!

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Broomer wrote:

Sweet jebus, I didn't realize I wrote a novel lol.




Thats ok Bryan, we love to hear what Loki is doing and glad to hear she is fitting in nicely in your household, keep the updates coming as she is a sweet little girl and is obviously bringing you and Kim lots of happiness.


Good luck on your upcoming surgery, hope it all goes well and do try to get on as much as you can so we can chat sometime.;):):P

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Well, so far so good. Loki hasn't bugged for her afternoon feeding in a week or two. So today I decided not to give her one and give her her dinner early. I'll feed her in about an hour, but I've seen her at her bowl a couple times this afternoon, so it seems to be ok. Though in the last 15 minutes she's been getting a tad more vocal in her cage, I'll take her out to see what she does.


Thanks for all your well wishes for my surgery. Hernia surgery. If you've never had a hernia, I don't recommend getting one, they're highly over-rated. This is surgery #2 for it in 18 months ... bleh. :S

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Oh, on a side note on her playstand, I cut about 5 inches off the support legs, her face was eye level to us when we were standing up, noticed a bunch of agression when she was on the playstand, seems to have mostly vanished since I shortend it.


Other then that, I have surgery tomorrow.. :blink: :( :whistle: so I'll see ya all when I'm up and about again. :)

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I've also been wondering how Loki was getting on. Its sounds like she has made herself right at home. You were obviously born to be a grey parent;)


Its great she is eating so many different kinds of vegetables already. Its so much easier to introduce them at that age;)


By now you are probably on the table or in recovery, so I hope you are up and about again soon:)

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