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Guest Skuffy

lol,,mine to,,Hes 9mth,,Just finding his voice, screeches when hes beating his toys up more and hes just started to say hello in the last week and come-on. Ive also taught him to wistle the same tune as me..I think mines doing it for attention.This little guys a very fast learner..


Sounds like some thing is being murderd when he kicks off...

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Goody is your baby grey weaned yet? If not he may be hungry, are you still handfeeding him? Give us a little more information so we may be able to help you.


We have a lot of threads in the nursery room so take a look around and maybe one has some info that will be of help to you.


Then go to the welcome room and introduce yourself and tell us a little more about you and this grey.

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Hi Goody,

It does sound as though your little one is quite possibly asking to be fed. Have you noticed him eating anything on his own yet? Even though, babies with "mouth" things while not yet really eating them. They still need some hand feeding while learning to eat or they get hungry. Let us all know how things are going, otherwise, it may be a good idea to contact your veterinarian, just to be safe.

Another thought, maybe something is scary and he feels vulnerable and/or frightened? :-D



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At 13 weeks the noises could be from a number of things. Most greys that I have raised wean around 14-16 weeks, so your little guy MAY need to still get one feeding a day. He may also just want your attention and looking for conversation. It's hard to tell what it is that he wants without hearing the noise because the begging noise is much different than the other noises baby greys make.

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