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Hello from Malaysia


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Hello Sanggay and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Koko.


I think you will find this is the BEST forum dedicated to african greys and we have lots of knowledgeable members who are willing to go out of their way to help anyone with any problems they may be having with their birds.


Is Koko the first greyyou have ever had and is this the first parrot you have ever owned?


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so please read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Would you share some pictures of Koko with us as we would love to see him.:)

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I have a few Blue Rumpeds before Koko joined the flock.

Koko is my first big parrot. We were very excited when we brought Koko home. We were told Koko's a she but not really sure. So let's assume it's a she.


This is the 1st time being a parent to a bird. I was quite worried about handfeeding a chick but everything was pretty easy and exciting.


Koko upon arrival.



2nd day.






Koko's favorite sleeping place when she was a chick.


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judygram wrote:

What is that red thing she sleeps in, interesting looking:huh: :lol:


It is a small stool. Koko used to love hiding in there when she was a chick. She doesn't use it now. She has a new favorite spot now.


This forum is great. There are many active members.


Koko knows how to ask for things that she wants. When she scratches the floor of the cage meaning she wants out. Chriping loudly means she is hungry, she wants her handfeeding formula.


Koko knows the bathroom is a place to poop. I have to carry her to the bathroom every 15 min or so otherwise she will bomb on the floor. She walks out of the bathroom after her poop.


Koko will chrip loudly when we come home. It seems that she misses us very much when we are out for several hours.


More pics.


This chair used to be my daughter's when she was little. I converted it into a Grey stand.



My daughter with Koko lying on her back.



Koko sleeping with the blanket covering her.



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