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Greetings from South Africa! My name is Kristel, I have just joined, because I desperately need advise and help with my African Grey. I bought him when he was 7 months old, I have now had him for almost two years. I think he has gone into sexual maturity, or is getting there, because..... my once best friend has turned into a screaming, fighting bird! He loved me to death, then one night I came home, he looked at me with a very peculiar look, and I could see the mistrust. When I tried to get him to step onto my arm, he screamed and flew off his cage! He hurt himself. The mistrust seem to worsen, he seems so frightened, he calls for me, but will not allow me near his cage without him screaming and trying to get away from me.


He was a great talker, in the month this behaviour has been going on, he has stopped talking as well. Every time he tries to get away from me, my husband etc (funny thing is he does not do this with my 12 year old daughter!), I am scared he will hurt himself, so I have stopped handling him, except when I HAVE to put him back in his cage. He will still get onto my shoulder, but if I move my hand, he screams at me and tries to fly off. I talk to him constantly, his cage is in my room, I take him to different places in the house on his perch, I have been so patient trying to restore our bond, but nothing seems to work. HELP!!

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Hi General


Welcome to the grey forum. At two years old he is only beginning adolescence and is no where near maturity. Unfortunately it can happen that your best friend can "choose" another favoured person.


Firstly do you think anything had changed about your or about your home the day that his behaviour changed? A sudden change in personality like that is more likely to be caused by something like that rather than adolescence. Had you had your hair cut or coloured? Were you wearing a new shirt? Had you moved furniture around in the house? Did you get a new cat or dog?


Another possibility considering the change was so sudden is an illness of some sort. Can you get him checked over by an avian vet just to rule this out?


Assuming then, that the cause for the change is unknown, the next thing is how to recover from it. Firstly you are doing great by talking to him. Treat him as you always would have done. Don't let him know you are upset by him. Make sure he is getting enough sleep. 10-12 hours is a must, any less and he will be grouchy;) And lastly the biggest thing is patience, patience and more patience.


Have a read of some of the threads in our Rescue Room. I know he isnt a rescue but the way those members have progressed with their greys might just help you too.


Best of luck with him, keep us posted and keep asking questions;)

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Welcome Kristel!!


There are many things that could cause this change in behaviour, as others have listed. A little more information on any changes you personally have made to your appearance, hair, nails anything or something that may have happened would help in trying to assist you more with some ideas.


Looking forward to hearing more details from you and as others have stated, there is a ton of information on this site for you to search and read on issues with greys and how to overcome them. :-)

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Hi Kristel and welcome here. I'm sorry to hear you are having some new troubles with your grey friend. As the others suggested, has there been a change that could be causing the sudden change of heart? It could be something small that you aren't even noticing, but to a bird (who's a prey animal) they notice everything- to them this is a life or death defense mechanism. It seems he is suddenly viewing you as a threat, it will take time and patience to win back his trust. Please keep working with him and don't give up hope.

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Hello Kristel and WELCOME to you and General! You poor things, it sounds like you are going through a rough patch right now. That has never happened with my grey, whom is now 15 years old. BUT,it has occasionally happened with my Moluccan Cockatoo. He sometimes will freak out and try to get away from me for no apparent reason. When this happens, I calmly put him back in his cage and talk softly to him for a little while to reassure him. Then I give him some time to himself, while coming to check on him every 30 minutes or so. He always comes around and becomes my sweet boy again. I still don't really understand what sets him off but I understand your concerns! Stay patient and loving. Make sure there are not cats or other predators staring through a window, and it's good too, to have a little private area for a shy bird to feel like he can hide. I know this isn't much help, but I really just wanted to reach out to let you know there are lots of us that care!!! Hang in there!


Janine (Lanibird)

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