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Our House Rules!!! (as stipulated by parrots)


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When you visit my home you are graciously welcome but please remember the following:


1. The birds live here. You don't.


2. If you enter this house, consider yourself a perch.~DanMcQ


3. If you don't want bird poop on your clothes, stay off the furniture.


4. If there are more bird cages than chairs, please feel free to sit on the floor.~She


5. Yes, sure they have some disgusting habits, so do I and so do you. What's your point.


6. Of course, they smell like peanuts.


7. I like them a lot better than I like most people.


8. It's their nature to try to beak your crotch. Please feel free to tweak theirs.


9. If you can't handle a bird eating off your plate, don't come eat at this house, parrots think anything on anyone's plate is for sharing.~Lyric


10. If you can't handle the sound of parrots, wear earplugs. My birds are free to speak their minds whenever they want and they will--loudly and frequently.~Lyric


11. If you find it scratched or chewed, the dog did it.~Carolyn


12. To you they are just birds. To me they are adopted children who are small and pidgeon-toed, don't always speak clearly, and throw their food. I have no problem with any of these things.


13. Parrots are better than kids. They eat less, don't ask for money all the time, usually answer when called, never drive your car, don't hang out with drug dealers, don't smoke or drink, don't worry about whether they have the latest fashions, don't wear your clothes, don't need a gazillon dollars for college, and if they make babies, you can sell them.


14. They make the rules, I just live here. -SchroedersJen


15. They will repeat everything you say, so watch your mouth! - rbpittman


16. All grocery shopping will have the FIDS in mind, people will eat whatever is left. - rbpittman




-Note from Luvparrots--these rules are Parrot Rules Author Unknown, I only edited them.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/06/25 02:10

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Isn't it the truth except for the money part they may not ask for money but I spend a large portion of my paycheck on the little boggers. I sure I spend more on my birds then I do on my daughter if I don't they sure are running very close. They definatly are not cheap to keep but they are worth every single bit of it.

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That's great! I love your sense of humor, and what you've said is true... you might add the following too:

If you can't handle having a bird eat off your plate, don't come eat at my house, they think anything on anyone's plate is for sharing...

If you can't handle the sound of my birds, wear earplugs or don't come in. My birds are free to speak their minds whenever they want, and they will- loudly and frequently throughout the day!

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Mika has decided to come up with his OWN set of rules:


1. If you like it, it's mine


2. If I can reach it, it's mine


3. If it's in my beak, it's mine


4. If I can take it from you, it's mine


5. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine


6. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way


7. If I'am chewing something, all the pieces are mine


8. If it looks like mine, it's mine


9. If I saw it first it's mine


10. If you have something and you put it down it automatically becomes mine.


These are "The Rules According to Mika"


Carolyn & Mika:woohoo:

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