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I have a question about boarding my grey and my other 2 birds. I really need to take an overnight trip to Chicago (5 hours from my house) my husband dads is in his late 70's and really ill. We have already put this trip off longer than we should.


I checked with the pet store and they board birds. They specialize in birds and I am very comfortable with them because they are family owned and have been in business in the same building since 1955. They have always given great advice and feel that everyone that works there is very knowledgable and care a lot about birds.


With that said, I asked to see the "accomodations" where the birds would be staying at. They said no one but staff is allowed in there. I am not sure the exact reason but think it had to do somethine with safety and health reasons. I was a bit surprised by this and am wondering if this is the norm? Or should I be allowed in to see where they would be staying?


I really like the store and really trust the employees. Any advice on this? They are my place of choice but made me a little nervous when they said I couldn't see where they would be staying. I know they have some breeding pairs upstairs where they board birds but not sure if they are kept in the same room.


Also, if I am just going to be gone for about 24 hours. Leave early in the morning and return late that night or early afternoon the next day. I don't know how comfortable I would be leaving them for that amount of time but wondered about other owners thoughts were on this.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/10/02 02:17

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Erika, if you are only going to be gone for 24 hours why don't you just leave the birds caged for that amount of time. Leave them extra food and water and I think they will be fine. If you were going to be gone for longer then I would suggest you board them.


I have never boarded my birds at a pet store or anywhere like that so I wouldn't know whether that is standard practice, maybe some of the other members will share their thoughts and experiences.

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Thanks Judy. It's not a regular chain type pet store and it's not real big anyways. It is actually an old victorian house made into a pet store. Real Mom & Pop type atmosphere and that's why I like it so much. I know when the few occassions I had to leave my dog somewhere I was always able to see his "living conditions" and it just made me wonder even more why I couldn't go up there???:angry:


But I have never had to board a bird before and thought there might be legimate reasons for it, too.


If I did leave them home, it would be a good excuse to get back on the road again too ;)

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