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Feeding at night???


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Hi all!!!


I am sorry but have so many qeustions,


i have not seem to get alot of responses


PLEASE im very dumb with this new baby


and do not want him/her to die any help would


be great.


I have heard from diffrent people about feedings,


should i feed im after 12pm or not???


some say yes others say maybe or no, i can not seem to get a clear anwser:(


and also should i wake him to feed when he is

sleeping soundly???


I am trying the best i can to help him but in this country i now live in there is not any good vets

(very dogey) the vet here that i found does not

seem to know wheter or not he knows anything about

greys. So i am reluctant to to take him there,

wont risk this baby s life with a dogey vet.


Will keep evryone uptated and take a new picture

of him tomorow, bur today he seemed alot more

active then when i got him and is playing and

chewing evrything he can put his beek on.:)



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I wouldn't wake him up to feed him, after the last feed for the day let him sleep thru the night and feed him the first thing in the morning.


Have you read thru a lot of the threads in the nursery room? You will find a lot of information about feeding baby greys there and LovemyGreys is an expert on the subject so she is your best source of advice.

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It sounds like your doing a good job If he's getting more active I'm sorry If you told us but how old is your baby. just like human babys they love to put everything in their mouths. It took me a while to find a Avian vet also because it had to be a woman vet. My Amazon will not tolerate men at all she hates them so much. So to have a man vet was totaly out of the question. I found a wonderful Avian vet for them she's the best but I had to do allot of looking first. good luck with your baby I'm sure every thing will turn out great.

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Hi Tycos mom


I am not sure of his age from what i know

about grey s he looks between 6-8 weeks.


About the thing with the vet: I live in

Nigeria west africa where they do not even care

about human lives much less a parot/bird

here they would have them for lunch (they even sell

puppy meat!!!)


I am sorry to put it so graphic but its the truth.


I have already contacted a vet in south africa

who will be couriering me some meds (vitamins, powder for lice,drops to put in his water for skin)

and special food and toys!!!


so that was a great idee!!!


Thanks for all the advice will keep


all posted on his progress



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If he's in the 6-8 week age range than he should only need 3 feedings a day. I feed greys around 8-10am (depending on when they wake up) and then again around 1-3pm (depending on when they were fed in the morning and how fast the crop empties) and then the last feeding around 8-10pm (again, on the time of the last feeding).


Don't worry about asking too many questions...we are all more than happy to explain anything to you and would rather answer a million questions then hear one sad story.;)

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Thanks gus!!!!!!!!!!


But i have already contacted a vet in south africa and

he is sending me all the goodies i will need!!!!!!:)


also thanks bmustee will take u up on that!!!!



I love this forum evryone is so friendly and helpfull!!!


I know sometimes i asked some questions that mightsound dumb, but

i was tought there is no such thing as a dumb question

cause how would u know if u dont ask??


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That the only way to learn Your going to do just fine with your baby. don't let any of those nasty people that would have him for lunch anywhere near him. Guard him with your life. I cant wait to see him grow up and looking beautiful and healthy. Poor baby had a rough start but they are hardy birds so he should be fine now that he's in your loving care. I'm so glad you found him when you did. or he might of ended up on someones dinner plate. I so happy he got such a caring momma that loves him. This is the best place you could have found for help with everybody here helping to ensure this baby lives. and your love and caring he's going to be the bestest friend you ever had. he will love you forever.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/10/03 06:36

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