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Couple questions


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Few weird things my grey does I was hoping someone could clarify on.


#1- My grey only eats when I go to sleep unless it's people food. If it's people food she wants it whenever as much as she can. But as far as bird food etc she ONLY eats when I'm going to sleep wether it be 9 pm pr 4 am.


#2- She growls sometimes on my shoulder. Anytime i turn my head to look at her or if i talk or anything once in awhile she is just a non stop growler. Nothing mean or threatening just constant low pitch grrrrrs.


#3- My parrot always tries to french kiss me. I give her kissies on the beak all the time and in return I get tongue? Do I taste good or is she trying to make out with me.


#4- Her body temperature always seems fine but her feet seem super hot to me for some reason I can't figure out why and wondered if it was normal for their feet to be hotter than their bodies.

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Welcome back from Vegas, Spence, hope you didn't lose all your money:S :whistle: :laugh:


I really don't have an idea on #1


About #2, I don't think she is really growling, believe me if she was growling you would not be able to mistake it. She is probably doing the same sound that Josey does, not exactly sure what it means but she isn't mad or scared.


She probably is trying to taste you, Josey will use her tongue sometimes, mostly on my skin and I think she is just wanting to get a taste or feel, they have no hands so they use their tongue instead.


Parrots body temperatures are slightly higher than ours and their feet can feel hot but I don't think it is anything to worry about. You feel the heat more in their feet because you are touching skin directly whereas the rest of the body is covered with feathers.


Hope this helps you some and others will chime in with their opinions.:)

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My vet has told me the warm feet mean the bird is relaxed. I still remember the first time I felt Max's feet "flush" - after I had been visiting her at the store for about three weeks. She had already started to relax her grip on my fingers, but then one day suddenly there was this rush of heat. So I think you should be flattered - sounds like she's just really comfortable with you.

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