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Trimming on lower beak


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Just wondering if anybody has ever had to trim the beak on their Greys ? :S


I recently noticed that the lower beak on one of our greys was slightly off center to the left. And that a groove had been worn into it by the top beak. The lower portion was sticking slightly out to the left.:unsure:


I know that vets have taken small grinders to beaks on other birds and trimmed that way. But I could not see putting my grey through that trauma. So, I just took a large nail clipper and trimmed the lower portion myself.:woohoo:


Surprisingly, my grey just pretty much sat their and let me trim his beak, as if he knew that what I was trying to accomplish and only trying to help him. To tell you the truth, he seemed much happier and talkative after his little trimming session. :)


So, I am just wondering if anybody else has ever had to do this ? And if anybody approves or disapproves the the way that I went about trimming his beak.:whistle:


Thanks for your time and consideration.

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Guest Monique

We have always had our vets trim the beak. I would at least check with the vet once. You probably already know this, and it's probably the most intelligient statement I have ever made (kidding) but I think he has a crooked beak. I would have the vet look in case there is anything else he would suggest, or have that you should know about it w/the beak being a little off like that. Also, he/she could give you any pluses or minuses or tips to trimming the beak.


You are a lot more brave than I am!!! :P

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Granpooba, welcome here :) I hope you'll enjoy this forum.


You sure got a lot of guts {Feel-good-000200BB}I'd be too afraid to do it myself...

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Thank you folks, for your replies. Personally, I feel that caring for your pets yourself, sure does reduce a lot of trauma that any pet has to go through, in a visit to the vet. How many people personally trim their birds feathers or nails ?


I have had my grey " Scarlett " for about eight years now. And I am sure that if she had a crooked beak, that I would have noticed it by now. Her beak was only a little off center and only required trimming the bottom a few fraction of inches.


I'm not against vet visits. But two stories can be relayed here. My first bird , which was a female Solumn Island Eclectus, was lost on the operating table. Only because she got egg bound and the vets did not clear her properly the first time. I still miss that little girl. She was a great calming factor in my life. The second time I visited the vet was with my male Solumn Island Eclectus. He was loosing feathers on top of his head and some around his body. WELL !! After $800.00 in tests, the vets told me that they could find nothing wrong and did not know what was causing the feather loss. WELL !! Weeks later, I found out what it was. While in a pet store where my wife had purchased her grey, I was chatting with the owner who's mother also loved and had a male Eclectus. I explained my birds condition and what he and I had gone through at the vets. He said my mothers bird had the exact same condition and all it is is a SEVERE MOLT !!! A trained aviary vet could not figure this one out ???? Especially after $800.00 in tests !!


Well thats the end of my two vet stories. And if at all possible I will choose my own doctoring over any vet's. And like I have said all my life ............


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