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throwing a wobbly


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i know somone already mentioned hissy fits but would like to mention monty throws these hissy fits at least once a day, and not always with his toys one minute he's sitting there clucking his baby noises, then the noises get louder and louder and they he's off on a mission flying hell for leather around and around the conservatory screeching and squarking he'll land on a perch for a few seconds then off again he does this for 5-10 mins or so then land back on a perch and start to preen, i just sit there and laugh now althought at first i did wonder if it was normal and was a little alarmed, oh and if he happens to land on YOU or a TOY while he's having a mad moment then gawd help ya :) i was wondering if something had spooked him but he does it daily so this is unlikley, does anyone elses bird do this, is this just a baby thing as he is 6 months will he grow out of it, i hope so im frightened of him flying at that speed into something

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I wouldn't worry to much the older he gets the better flyer he will become he will be able to fly through a door that only open 4or5 inches. My Amazon turns sideway and flys through a small opening and keeps on going. I cannot beleive the flying skills that they develop its absoulutly increidible to watch the areodynamics. its like watching an airshow in your house. Your bird is just getting some excersize and the hissy fit is just showing how incredibly happy he is to be able to fly its just their way of showing joy.

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Our female also has these insane moments where she flies like a crazy girl all around the house screaming her head off. She also does it about once a day, usually in the afternoon. She has never had an accident at these crazy moments or landed on us although she will swoop down quite low and you think she it going to crash into you but she never has. She is 1 year old and has great flying abilities, much better than out male, but then again he is a much better climber than her.

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phew!!!:blink: thanks guys thought i'd got a demented parrot on my hands:laugh: he/she is very good at flying already and although im scared he will fly into something he hasn't yet.. and it is fun to watch too i just stand and laugh and so gald its normal.. one other thing he does too is chew chew chew!! how can i stop him chewing the things i dont want him to?? like Zips oh my you cant enter a room if u got a zip :laugh: he's right on ya and other things in general like our computer chairs.. he bites the leather binding off:unsure: i've tried a firm NO!! and it works sometimes but then others he'll just keep chewing and if i try to take something off him there's just no way he will let go.. should be the anchor man in a tug of war:silly: :whistle: :laugh: :blink:

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How to stop them? Stop them? LOL That's funny...

They are especially challenging because most aren't bothered in the least by a stern "No." In fact, Klaus tells himself to "Stop it!". It's hilarious!

I have come to the conclusion that I just have to pick my battles. Some stuff he can have, like the buttons off an old shirt. Other stuff he can't have, like the buttons on my keyboard. If it comes down to it, I just have to remove him from the room or put him back by his cage rather than have him ruin something I value.

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