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Heres Baby ZZero


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I am sooo amazed with this little guy, breeder said give him the night and that he probley wont be want to be handled much , YEA right!! he does all kinds of funny stuff for attention already ! He is soo outgoing and is fearless of everything, including the dogs which are not so sure yet . I have been keeping them seperated for now when he has been outta the cage but one wont stop staring at the cage when hes in. But ZZero is eating and drinking and ignoring her. My dog is has a obesesive personality so it will take a few days ( I HOPE) to get used to our new member. The other dogs could care less unless I am feeding ZZero.


All is going better then expected and I am so happy to finally have him home!! Heres some pic from last night when we got home.




Playstand and swing set I made:




and the new daddy and baby:



Hope all the pics worked yes the stand is by the front door but it locked and noone uses it anyways.<br><br>Post edited by: cflanny, at: 2008/09/30 19:38

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Thank everyone, he already went to the top of that swing scared me so I took the access away till he more nimble :)


Fairy I just went and measured mine was only 10 inches which I think was the size small. We had a hour and half drive home and he did so well in there it had no perch just a towel and he played with the toys I put in there all the way home. When does yours get to come home fairy ??

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Well Chloe should be able to come home sometime in the beginning of November. I am soooo excited!

Thank you so much for taking the time to give me the measurement on the one you brought ZZero home in. It really does help me in my decision on what to purchase. Our drive home will be about 45 minutes so I bet she would do just fine in one about the same size as your carrier!

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Thanks everyone hes been home for a couple weeks now and he is already the master of the house :) I posted another topic on his tongue and you can really see how pink his mouth is in these pics so cute!!

Thanks about the playstand I made everything you see there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Congratulations on getting ZZero! He's a very handsome guy! I'm not sure when Spencer will be home, as he's still weening. He has graduated to his own cage now, and is eating fruits, veggies, and formula! He's 5 weeks old now.



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