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Grumble or growl


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You know, I've heard a lot of references to "the famous grey growl", but I'm not sure I've ever heard it. When Max is confronted with something she doesn't like (the wrong person's hand, the aviator harness (at first), ANYthing pink...), she makes what I would describe as a soft grumbling noise to accompnay the leaning-away, pasted-down feathers and pinning eyes. It actually sounds kind of cute, to me. I haven't spent a huge amount of time around Congo greys - is this maybe a difference between TAGs and CAGs? Or do I just have an inadequate fear threshold?

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Thats a good question! Im not sure if there is a difference between them.

My eldest grey Charlie will do the loudest growl when anyone new comes into the house or anyone with blonde hair! He will go to the back of his cage make the loudest growl its awful!

Will be interesting for Tag owners to let us know if any of their greys do this.

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Isn't that fummy how different they can be Tyco loves girls with blond hair and will do just about anything to get their attention and the colour pink is her favorite colour she loves anything pink if I bought her a blue toy and the exact same toy in pink she goes for the pink one everytime.

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My TAG growls when he doesn´t like something. When we got him first he was really afraid and growled very loudly when we came close to the cage. Now he just makes a very low growl when he doesn´t like something.

It´s only when strangers come to the house now that he makes the loud growl.

When he was at the petstore we bought him from he would growl loudly every time someone came into the store... poor guy.

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This is the first time I have heard a Grey do this. I have never heard a CAG make this sound. Is this just a TAG growl? I find it hilarious and then annoying after a while. This TAG has come a long way in videos shot after this one... :-)


TAG Growl



Edited: Just found a CAG....


Well, I just found a CAG Growl, like a TAG but on steriods and much lower like a Tiger or Lion.


CAG Growl

edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/04 17:17
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YIKES! That's REAAALLLLLYYYY annoying!{Feel-bad-0002007F}


Maxi doesn't make that loud buzzsaw sound (thank goodness - and I don't plan to play it for her again so she can learn it:silly: ) but the low grumbling you could hear in between some of the buzzsaws on that tape - THAT's the sound I'm talking about. Thanks for the post, Dan!

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My TAG growls like the TAG on the video, he does it low like that sometimes but when he gets really annoyed he growls a lot louder. I had some friends over tonight and they stood by his cage, he really didn´t like it and growled so loud they got scared.

He doesn´t growl at me anymore.

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Hrund wrote:

He doesn´t growl at me anymore.


Thank goodness:laugh:


Josey has growled like that Cag in the video Dan provided but not at me, just when something or someone got a little too close or scared her, it is not a pretty sound and I don't hear it very often but I have heard it.:blink:

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He he he yes, thank goodness, I´ve had him for about 6 weeks and at the beginning he would growl like crazy at me. I´m very happy that he doesn´t anymore, I see it as a sign that he´s starting to trust me.

It certanly isn´t a very nice sound :ohmy:

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