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New addition to flock


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Hello everyone,

Just a quick post to let you know I now have a new addition to the family.

We collected him yesterday, he is 19 weeks old and just adorable. I have no name yet so any suggestions would be good. So far the kids have come up with, Jasper, Ziggy and believe it or not Sid!

Will try and post a picture next, its not that easy as he wont keep still!

I know its going to be hard work with the three of them but I am so looking forward to it and love my boys to bits.


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Beautiful! Congratulations to you, new mommie, you will have your hands full but it will be so satisfying too. It's great that all 3 are getting along okay together. I like the names you mentioned, I like Dan's idea of Trinity too, that's pretty. I'm so excited for you!

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Thanks everyone,

The little one is settling in fine. The kids want to call him Jasper! Im still not sure but will have to name him soon.

He has a lovely new cage which he seems happy in,he is eating well.

Its very demanding as they are all so different and are all wanting my attention in different ways. I can only describe it as looking after 3 children under 5!

The baby is a bit of a biter at the moment though, I am hoping this is just a teething problem and will go away in time. Its strange though, he will sit with me and cuddle under my chin but he dosent like fingers!

He has learned to step up already which is good!

He is also practising his flying skills.

I will try and get some more pictures of him.


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They each have their own personality so they are all different but then that is what you want, you don't want carbon copies.


I'll just bet you are spoiling him rotten and please do share some more pictures with us, we love looking at Jasper, Casper or whatever you are naming him, but choose soon or sooner.:laugh: :whistle: ;)

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Here is a recent photo of me and my little baby Jasper.


He has come on in leaps and bounds and is such a cute little thing!


He gets on so well with my eldest grey Charlie but Keeko the middle grey still has a few issues with him but this is to be expected as Keeko was my little baby.


We managed to sort his diet out after he had been with us for a few weeks, he eats better than my other two and will eat anything that is given to him!


This is great as he was sold to me only eating wet seed, he was unable to crack any seeds or nuts and I did worry when I brought him home but time and patience have paid off.





Next is the cheeky Keeko! Cant leave him out of anything! This bird has no fear and is the most loving of the three! Constantly wants cuddles and kisses I love him to bits!


Just thought I would show you the latest pictures of me and my two youngest, its good to keep updating as they grow up so quickly!



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