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My Josey loves her cheese too but they really shouldn't have any more than Dave suggests, greys are lactose intolerant so they cannot handle the dairy like we can. You don't want to make them ill just for the pleasure of a little extra cheese.


I give slivers of cheese several times a week but the total amount she has in a week's time is what Dave gives, that way she has it more than once in a week but just in smaller amounts at a time.


Believe me my grey and my sun conure both love cheddar cheese and as soon as you bring the package out of the fridge they know it and their eyes get big and begging.:laugh:

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Instead of my suggestion, go with Judy--it's better to feed the cheese that a bird that loves that way as long as you don't overdo it. My birds get nervous when they hear the package opening. One once flew onto the fridge and just WATCHED me INTENTLY and waited until the knife came out and the slice was completed-----then he clucked.

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I think all birds would do just about anything for cheese. I feed mine like Judy or for my smaller conures somtimes I'll grate it so it looks like more than it actually is. my little brat GCC Sprout will steal Lunas FSC right away from her he will gobble his and then grab hers. Luna is such a gentle little thing and won't fight for anything she lets him have what he want and then takes whats left some times when it comes to treats I actually have to put Sprout in his cage just so Luna gets hers. There is a big difference in age between them Sprout will be 2yrs in Dec and Luna is 11 yrs so she getting older and Sprout is stil a little punk:laugh:

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