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So I figured I'd come in and introduce myself. My name is Gina and I've been reading the forum for a while, researching the African Grey, now but hadn't joined or posted until now.


I just adopted a very sweet 4 month old Congo. His name is Zazu and he's spoiled rotten. He's been with us for a week now and has settled in nicely. His little noises and chirps crack me up and if he's eating and you walk by him, he'll stop and growl at you like a dog. I have to giggle every time he does it.


He shares his home with 2 blue & gold macaws, a harlequin macaw and a blue fronted amazon. I swear when social hour hits around here and the 4 of them start screaming, the house vibrates. Zazu tries to get his 2 cents in, but can't seem to get over the big boys.


I'm amazed at how different the greys are from the macaws and the amazons. Zazu likes attention and pouts when he doesn't get it. He's already starting to mimic and the other birds are teaching him alot. So far I've not gotten any real words out of him, but he call call whistles at me when I walk by him.


Anyway... I just wanted to introduce myself. This looks like a great forum and I'm anxious to learn more and more about these wonderful companions.

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Hello Gina and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Zazu.


Well you are no stranger to parrots what with 2 blue and golds, a harlequin and an amazon and I bet social hour does pretty much rock the house when they get going.


Only had him a week and he is already spoiled rotten, sounds about right, they do wrap their talons quickly around your heart, no doubt about that.


As you have already done some reading on the site, continue to do so for lots of useful information in ourmany threads and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Zazu you would like to share with us we would love to see him and we have an other birds room where you can share the other too if you like.:)


This is a wonderful forum and you will make friends here very quickly.

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Hi Gina, great to have you here & congrats on Zazu. :) Sounds like you have a real nice flock. I have a grey, an eclectus and a conure and still can't believe how different they all act and I totally know what you meant by the social hour. We have it here at our house too. Looking forward to hear more about you and your flock. Can't wait to see some pictures when you get the time.

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Zazu is a congo. He's spoiled rotten. I'm slowly integrating him into the rest of the flock. He's alot more needy than I expected, but that's ok. I'm not allowed to walk by him and not say hello or give him a petting. He gets real mad if I ignore him and if I'm talking, he'll try his hardest to get up over me. It's so funny to see such a little bird demand so much attention. I was making him some bird toys last night and as I'm stringing things together, he's taking apart the other side.


here's some pictures to hold you guys over.





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Zazu looks great and sounds like a typical 4 month old CAG. He is definitely going to require a lot of attention and demand it, as you stated. They are very needful when young. Enjoy those wonderful moments of bonding and play. :-)


Is he assisting you in the design specs of his soon to be new toys? ;-)

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siobha9 wrote:

Hi Gina,

Welcome to the grey forum! I would love to see pictures of all your birds. I find it funny that you call your CAG such a little bird, and I think they're the big bird:P My other birds are a caique, tiels and budgies!


I guess when you have a harlequin macaw that's the size of a greenwing, every bird looks little! LOL My harlequin's beak is twice the size of Zazu's head.


I did post pictures of all of them in the "other birds" section if you want to see.

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