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what kind of cage???


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Hi everyone, I am new here and about to be owned by an african grey hybrid. The baby is 13 weeks old and still weaning. My biggest decision right now is which cage do buy??? How big should it be, I know the bigger the better but everywhere read tells me something different. What type of cages do you guys have? and how big are they? Thank you for any advice.

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My cage is about 46" wide, 28" deep and 60" high and I wouldn't go much smaller than that, they need enough room to fully open their wings and not touch the sides and it should be powder coated or stainless steel.


My cage is a split level with one side being shorter than the other with a playtop on that side.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and this new baby grey you are getting.:)

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i splashed out on this cage for my boy but had a shock one eve when he flew to it and got his claw stuck in the little metal space running under the bar with the 2 screws on it leading to both him and me panicking :blink: i am too paranoid to let him use it now so at present he is still using his smaller cage and his perch ...



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Half timneh and half congo? How interesting! Be sure to post some portraits when your baby has come home!


Maxi's cage is a powder-coated model: 36"x28"x60", with a playtop, which I bought on eBay. (I'm really NOT handy, but even I was able to put it together without any trouble.) Max is a Timneh, BTW, and small for a Timneh at that.


Some other considerations besides just the size of the cage are bar spacing, cage shape and cage placement. Bar spacing is usually between 3/4" and 1-1/4" on the cages for medium to large birds, and you want to make sure the bars are close enough together that your bird can't get its head through the bars and then get its neck stuck or something. I'd ask your breeder what size would be right for the hybrid.


Also, I have heard that greys prefer cages with a rectangluar footprint (not round or hexagonal), because they like the option of having corners to retreat to.


For the same reason, think about where you will be placing the cage. At first I had planned to set Maxi's cage right by a north-facing window, so she could "see out". But after reading more about it, I decided to place it so its back was against a wall, giving her a sense of security. I bought a 36"x48" laminated photograph of a forest scene to put on that wall, which also protects the wall from her food spatters ("here comes the pomegranate juice!":woohoo: ). Maxi does like to sit on a movable perch at windows when she's out, but as for her "safe haven" (the cage), I think it's true that she appreciates not having it exposed on four sides.


Good luck, and welcome to the forum!

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From everything I have read about greys I was under the impression that the CAG and TAG were not able to hybridize because of their genetics. Plus, there are no pictures online, no mention in any books, listed in any hybrid directory, or breeders advertizing them. I would be very interested in seeing a picture of your bird.

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