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Baxters Excellent Outdoor Adventure


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I decided to give Baxter some fresh air today. I have a gazebo type cover for the umbrella of my pation set and put it on so we could be enclosed.;)


I took his perch to the table and brought him out.:) He was so bigged eyed it was funny. He didn't say peep but looked at everything around him.:dry: We do feed the wild birds and they were all around chirping and Baxter seemed amazed. I was pretty amazed at how calm he was. Then a squirrel came up being nosey and he watched him pretty good, too. We stayed outside for about 30 minutes just enjoying the fresh air and nice temperatures. It was an excellent outdoor adventure.:) :side:


I would like to add that it was fun and do intend to come up with something better for next year than what I had set up today. Baxter was enclosed but it was only a mesh screen and I would never leave him unattended for even a second out there. I know he could easily snap through the mesh with his beak in a split second and be gone and I was definately watching his every move and his reactions. It was pretty nice being outside with Baxter. Next year we will be getting the avaitor harness so I won't have to worry about him getting away;)


Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/09/29 00:08<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/09/29 00:09



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Thanks Dan & Judy, He is quite the camera ham, the squirrels around here are just big mooches and come really close begging for snacks:laugh: . Baxter was keeping his eye on him.:blink: Baxter_w_squirrel.jpg


Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/09/29 00:22<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/09/29 00:24



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Thanks everyone. I think Baxter had fun outside and am glad I could do it with thim. Still searching for the perfect way for him to enjoy the great outdoors. Must put my thinking cap on;) .


Yes, we have funny looking squirrels here in the suburbs of Detroit :blink: Does anyone else have all black squirresl? They are normal around here but I've never lived anywhere else there were black squirrels.




I didn't really put much thought into it but a grey does look good against a red/maroon backdrop. Hmmm, interesting. I may have to do another photo shoot:)

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Great pictures! I'll bet he was thrilled!


I used to live in the Washington DC area, and they have black squirrels there, too.


Are you planning to use the winter to get Baxter accustomed to the aviator harness? I started working on it with Maxi (who is 19 months old) a few weeks ago, but it's going to take a while to get her used to it: she still leans way away from it and stares at it slanchwise when I place it on the table near her. :lol: (She doesn't grumble at it any more though.) It'll be some time before (1) her flights grow out and (2) the New England weather permits us to venture outdoors much again, so I'm kind of thankful that we'll have the winter to practice.


Thanks for sharing those great photos with us!:)

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Great pictures. When my two go in the aviery a sparrow always comes and sits right by Cracker.It happens so often I now say to cracker,your mate will be hear soon.I love getting my birds outside. Its where they belong.we have red and grey squirrels hear, never seen a black one. Baxter loves the camera.Couldnt call him shy.Sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/29 20:53

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Erica,would you think of getting an aviery for Baxter. Charlie loves his. Its 8ft by 5ft. It is not really large enough for him to have a good fly but he gets fresh air and sunshine, well when we get any sun.I will post pictures on my profile page.

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I have a carrier to take them from the house to the aviery. Its the Wingabego one from 24 parrots.Its great.I have put photos on my profile page of the aviery but I dont know how to post them hear The aviery has a safety door so you can close the outside one before opening the actual aviery door.No chance of escape.


Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/30 20:39<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/30 20:42

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She~I just looked at the photos of your avairy. OMG!!! :ohmy: That would be perfect.:woohoo: I don't need him to fly inside it. I just want him and my others to be able to be outisde when I am working outside, gardening or just enjoying the yard. I got Baxter in July and the other 2 followed shortly after him and it seems I have spent the entire summer in the house because I just can't stand to be away from them very long.:( I'm sure they would like to be outside just as much as I would. Thanks for showing the photo. It was a big help;)

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Yes I spent many a lovely day inside cos I felt sly on the birds. The final decision to get the aviery happened after I pulled a joint out in my back pulling Charlies cage out through the patio doors. That hurt.

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Those are beautiful photos Erika and congrats on the new addittions to the flock. I definitely agree on another photo shoot and Baxter is looking grrrreatt! By the way what's the matter with the Detroit Lions??? I've bet on them twice and they're costing me $$$$...lol.

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Hey Roger! I tried to warn ya about them Detroit Lions. Don't bet on them to win:( bet on how bad they will get beat, how many sacks Kitna will get or how many interceptions he will throw, but not on them winning.{Communicate-0002011A}


Seriously, though, very good to hear from ya. I sure hope you come back and spend more time with us. You are missed by many;)


Hope to talk to you soon so I can find out what's been going on with Congo:) I'll be checking the IM's. I missed you tonight Darn

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you have a great setup with that mesh around it, he must have been very interested i take zuri my TAG for walks with his harness and loves watching everything and just the breeze he enjoys.


K i know this is off topic but since you brought it up ill give you a tidbit of info on squirrels..the colour of them changes as you go to warmer climates here in the north canada included we only have brown and black ones because the darker colours obvi aid in warmth in the sun as you progress south the colours lighten to brown, red and then grey. dont ask me how i know this..haha

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Those are great photos, it's wonderful to see your fella enjoying himself outside. You have a very nice looking back yard too, by the way.

I have a screened in front porch and my Lyric just loves spending time out there. I think they enjoy the change in scenery, it probably gets boring being inside a house all the time!

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