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Don't Want Dog vs. Bird


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I have a pug named Lily who has been my companion since she was 8 weeks old. She is now 7. She is a very well-behaved companion and very intelligent. She of course is with my all the time and has had my total attention. How do I introduce my baby TAG (will be joining the family in November) to her? Does anyone have any input that can help me. I don't want to make Lily feel replaced, for she is everything to me. I just don't want her to eat her new friend!!!:unsure:

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You need to introduce them slowly and never leave them alone in the same room especially when your baby is out. You may have to keep your dog penned up at first when you have the grey out of the cage until you know how it is going to be with them.


But certainly a lot of us members do have cats, dogs and other pets in our house and we handle it just fine, be sure to set aside time each day for each to have one on one time with you by yourself so they each can feel special to you.


You don't have to sacrifice one for the other, just spend quality time not necessarily quantity time with each and you will hit the balance. But you do have an obligation to keep your Tag safe while not pushing aside Lily.


Some of the other members who have dogs will share some more insights with you.

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Introduce them slowly. Especially if your Grey has never been around a dog before or vice versa. Leave your Grey in his Cage and slowly bring your dog in so there is not a shocking incident to both the first time their eyes are laid upon each other.


You may need to put your dog up at first in another room if you don't trust him while you have your new Grey out.


Only you can judge how the two get along and no matter what, never let your guard down, sometimes a dog can become excited by something and start giving chase. You know your dogs temperament and personality, so use that as your ruler.


Looking forward to hearing more about your Grey as the time to pick him in November just keeps getting closer and closer.


One thing to note on your interaction with your dog. Please ensure you great him first when you come in the door and treat him with the same adoration as you always have. Bringing home a new baby almost always draws attention from an existing family member and they may start resenting it. You know how dogs are pack driven and I am sure yours thinks he #2 and your the Alpha. They do not take to a stranger trying to come in and just assume a higher level without a fight to determine the pecking order. :-)

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One thing that may be on your side is that it sounds like you have an older dog rather than a puppy. I don't have a dog, but when I got out of town Starbuck stays with my parents. They have an elderly border collie, and she never even looks twice at the bird :).


Also, pugs are not really sporting breeds so there shouldn't be as much natural hunting instinct to deal with.

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Hi, I have a small maltese dog and he is 7 years old. We've had him since he was a baby and he has been our everything. I wasn't sure what he would think of my new feathered friend either but he is adjusting. I think the others gave some good advice and I guess the main thing is knowing the temperment of your dog. My dog is very jealous of anything and anyone and we did introduce him slowly and let him know that he would be living here too. Now when I have Baxter or one of my other birds he gets jealous and wants attention too so I will let him up on my lap or let him be close to me so he doesn't feel left out of anything. I do try to include him as much as I can but I still don't think he is happy about my flock members and he still seems jealous even now:( . I do give him his own time too but I still think he is upset a couple months later. He doesnt seem to be aggressive towards the birds (we have 3 now) but he will not look them in their eyes and turn his head away from them when I have them out with me. When they are in or on their cages he acts like he could care less and really doesn't seem to mind them at all. He will even look up and "smile" at them then. It's mainly when I am giving the birds their one on one time he is jealous and doing everything in the world he can to get my attention:) . Good luck with yours. Let me know how it goes, too. I am very interested.

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Sounds like the adjustment should be a no brainer since Lily is an easy going lady and loves everyone, not a jealous bone in her body. She gets loads of attention and she always shows love to everyone. She can sit for hours and loves to watch TV, I leave it on for her so she is never lonely. My REAL KIDS think I'm nuts to do that. She is the Alfa in the household and is just part of the family.:cheer:

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My dad has 2 pugs and they have not once gone after Elmo. Uggie the mamma pug is actually kinda scared of my CAG because one time Elmo and Uggie were on the bed with me and Elmo can not look at a wagging tail without nipping at it.:laugh: Elmo does this to Kitty all the time and she just gives him a dirty look and walks away but Uggie went running and yelping.:woohoo: :laugh:


Now, the new dog...a huskey...is not EVER in the same room as Elmo because that breed is a notorius bird killer.

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