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pluck or molt??


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Hello everyone, I'm freaking out. I woke up this morning to find "Baby" (1 yr) had a bare spot on her throat.

Pin feathers are visable. I have thought she was molting before as I have down everywhere. But we just moved to Hawaii and I have been worried about the stress of the flight over here on her.

Question; Do greys go bald when moulting? How can you tell pluck from moult? :unsure:

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They dont usually go bald when they molt, but if she has pin feathers then it is more likely to be a molt. Just keep an eye on those pin feathers and make sure she doesnt pick them out too. I would up the number of baths you give her and spray her with Aloe vera. Whether it is a molt or plucking extra baths and aloe vera will help ease the itch for her and make her more comfortable;) .

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The neck area seems to molt much heavier than other parts of the body...esp the first molt or two. If it's a small spot with pin feathers then it could be a molt. I would keep an eye on her and inspect the paper at the bottom of the cage to be sure their are no pins being pulled out.

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I think this could be a heavy molt. keep a close eye on the situation and if you do notice the bird plucking make sure you dont reward the bird by rushin over or shouting. Increase the bathing,molts I imagine can be itchy. If it is plucking get a vet check to rule out physical problems, rare but not unknown. Sheila

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I agree with the others in regards it probably being a molt. Also, buy some 100% Aloe Juice, put it in a spray bottle and mist your grey until drenched with it 3x a week. This will make the skin soft and supple' as Siobha mentioned in her post.


Looking forward to hearing how this goes for you. :-)

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