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:( PLEASE HELP!!!! We just brought home our CAG, Gabby, and our Sunconure has decided he does not think should hold her. He's become a jealous bird...and i've the a bruise to prove it. I was hold Gabby and Sammie, the little booger, flew at Gabby, when I put my arm up to "block" him he landed on it ran up and bit me on the neck...well, it hurt! I gave my husband Gabby to hold, and then put Sammie in the cage, then Gabby in the cage. He was very mad!!! Gabby could care less, she didn't know what happened. I waited about 20 minutes then took Sam out and played for about a half hour then put him back in, and played with Gabby for about a half hour...I've tried to soothe him while Gabby was out, but I think that makes it worse...I don't know what to do. I actually have a bruise on my neck where he has bit me, and he's never done that before. My husband is thinking about this huge mistake we might have made bringing a new bird home. About a week before bringing her home, I would actually go over to her cage (after feeding Sam) and pretend to talk to Gabby, saying her name, shaking the food bowel, whistling...I'm afraid Sammie will hurt her or visa versa...this is our sun conure--he's only 7 months old...please help ANY advice is GREATLY appreciated.
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Don't let them out both at the same time maybe? I've also answered you in that other thread on this. But, if Sammy won't get used to Gabby then maybe it's an option to put them both in separate rooms?

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Guest Monique

I would do a few things.


1) Don't let them out together unless they are completely 100% supervised.


2) Is it an option with your lifestyle to teach your 7-month-old conure that it MUST stay where you put it. When you take it out and put it on the play stand it must stay there. When it doesn't pick it up and put it back. Over and over and on the 6th or so time give him/her a 10 minute time out in his cage. Tell him firmly no.


3) Give your Conure lots of love and attention.


4) Could you try rewarding your Conure when your Grey is out? So take Grey out and give the Conure a treat? I don't know if it would work but maybe?


I have faith that you can work through this!!! You will always get bitten on occasion when you own a bird. Just like some two-year-old kids bite. Nice little kids they are but all of a sudden YOWCH! You have to be able to take that.


You were probably pretty hurt by the bite Both physically and wondering what kind of little demon your bird turned into and what the bird was thinking of you. But it will be okay. Just think of her like a little kid that is just going to be kind of bratty like that and start trying to outsmart her on the jealousy thing.

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Thank you. I guess lastnight after watching Sam chase Gabby, it reminded me of when we had brought our dog Lucy home and introduced her to our dog of two years Spot...he was not too happy and chased her also, but within a few wks of love and training, the two became fast friends...so I will be hoping that even if the two feather kids can't be friends at least Sam will "tolerate" Gabby.

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