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Like a little kid


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Wow, Klaus started talking a bit and now it's just coming on more and more every day! It's still in the low growly voice, and I'd say it's more noises still then talking but my goodness! It's getting so entertaining just to sit and listen to him.


We have the bomb dropping (long whistle followed by a splat)

We have "Stop it, Klaus."

"Hello, Klaus."

"Pretty bird. Pretty, pretty bird."

"Who's a good boy?"

The wolf whistle (like a construction worker does)

The distinct barks of three different dogs that live nearby

The stove timer

Whistling the Andy Griffith song


And on and on...


Those of you with younger birds who are not talking or doing much yet - just wait. If your bird is anything like Klaus it'll just happen one day and now it seems like a flood gate. It gets hard to keep track of what all he's saying! :)

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Yeah, just wait, my Josey didn't talk until she was 1 year old and she is chatting away right now as I type with her collection of words and phrases which I hear some new ones added, then she will be quiet for a while then it starts up again later.


We have some members who have greys that didn't talk until they were much older, it just depends on the individual bird and like you Laurie I enjoy just listening to the chatter.:lol: :side: :cheer:

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Congratulations Laurie!!


It sounds like Klaus has been practicing under his breath for a while and is now blessing you with all the words and phrases he thinks he has calibrated enough for their debut. :-)


As, Judy said, this is just the beginning!!

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Don't you just love hearing them learn new words?:P I couldn't wait for Elmo to start talking, and reading all the posts about how other peoples greys were talking at 4 months almost made me think Elmo might not talk. Elmo didn't start talking to the point that everyone could understand what she was saying until she was 11 months, but two of my friends as work that have greys that didn't start to talk till they were about 2 years old so it really goes to show how different every grey is.


I can't believe how fast they seem to learn once that "gate" is opened. It's even more amazing when they start to use the words and sounds at the right time. Elmo was so hapy to be out of the cage yesterday when I got home and was running along the back of the couch. She would bite the couch and then yell "STOP IT, Don't you do it" and then run again laughing. Then she would jump over to the couch I was on and ask "whatch doing?".


I'm sure Klaus will suprise you every day with the new things he learns, and boy are you in for some really fun times!

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