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Play stand/Gym


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I know there's allready a few post about this but......


I nearly spent £300 on two shop brought play stands today then saw sence;)


And my dad has said he'd help me make one:laugh:

thing is dad wants some kind of design and i'm not artistic lol


can you all post pics of any home made stands/gyms made of any material so i can get some ideas.



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I have a "store-boughten" playstand for Maxi (actually "internet-boughten") consisting of what amounts to a PVC table with a central PVC column from which sprout a half-dozen manzanita branches at intervals. Its main advantage is that it's on wheels, so I can roll her from room to room; she can hang out with us in the living room when we have company or in the dining room when we're eating or in the kitchen when the stove's not on, for instance, without always having to lurk on Mama's shoulder. Each branch has a ring screw for attaching a toy, but so far Maxi has totally ignored (or been scared of) anything on the lower branches, and only really wants to hang out on the top branch and be Princess of the Playstand.:P

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There's a space between my coat closet and the ceiling. I needed a place for Cabo, my amazon, to play so I got to thinking and built this (including most of the toys) for him to hang out on. He LOVES it up there. He's central to the whole house and sees everything.





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