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MAX Has Gone

Guest Skuffy

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Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh....Well after 12mth and 2days looking for MAX,,,,GUESS WHAT.......Ive found him........


Well I can't wait for tomorrow,,,,I spent 12mth loking for this BIRD,,,some ppl on here didn't really know how much he ment to me...Well your all wrong...I did keep looking and now at 10am tomorrow i go to pick him up.....I spent over £2,000 in adverts newspapers,,,Posters,,word of mouth,,,facebook,,Youtube,,you name it ive done it....You know what,,hes only 5mins from my house aswell..hes ina a Public House called THE KING GEORGE....Its a Pub..sells food......They even put a poster up,,knowing they had him...GRRRRRRRRRRRRR:evil:


Anyway...So many ppl told me he was in the pub,,,so my daughter and husband went for lunch,,heard MAX...My daughter went talking to him as he was is a small cage behind the bar,,,When she spoke his name a lady from behind the BAr told her oFF....Hes NOT CALLED MAX,,leave him pls sit down.....My daughter rang me.....DAD ive found MAX in the PUB,,,,,So i went though all the right channels,,,RSPB,,VET..then the POLICE,,,,,,The POLICE didn't want to know really,,thought i was on a scam...Till i showed them all his paperwork...ring ID..loads PICs on my laptop...even this room,they read my story about MAX HAS GONE....So they finally beleaved me...Today at 2pm they went to the pub and question the Landlord.who couldn't answer anything about the bird,,or his ring ID.......The Man then said...OK i found him,,,From him saying that,,the POLICE rang me,,,,and i can go to pick him up at 10am tomorrow...Whoooooooooooooooppppppp whoooooooop{Nature-00020095} SO MAX IS BACK ppl......0i 0i,,,I want all my KARMA back now pls....<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/09/15 20:20

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Mark, I am glad you finally found Max and you two have been reunited but I do not appreciate your comments about Dan, mainly this one """DANMAC,,,,F`ck what you say......""" you should keep this kind to yourself.


All you had to do was let us know you had him back and the circumstances but to brag that you spent more to find him than Dan is none of our business but YOU posted that for everyone to see so I make it my business to comment.


I wish you would keep your sarcasm to yourself, you have your Max back but we don't need your uncalled for comments and your foul language. And for the karma back, forget it, you will have to earn it the same way the rest of us have earned ours.

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Here Here Judy! B)


Skuffy, I am happy you have max back :) , but your comments were unnecessary. If there are any more sarcastic comments, I will lock this thread for starters.....and Judy is right, you will earn your karma back with respect, just like the rest of us do. FYI: as admin, I have access to EVERYONE'S records, and you did not have 405 for karma....;)


Wondering, if so many people told you he was in the pub, why did you not go there in an instant and see for yourself, why wait until your daughter went...:dry:

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Mark - I am glad your daughter stumbled upon Max.


Regarding your personal verbal garbage spoiled the good news. I don't know where you got any price tag on finding a Grey, but I have never stated a limit.


If you want to perform verbal assaults on me, do as you did before by PM, not public where some of our younger viewers read you foul mouthed comments.


Please just go back to the hole you were in. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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I can't believe that pub landlord, keeping your Max whilst knowing all the time he was yours - unbelievable! All the while you and Max were grieving for each other. I'd tell all my friends and relatives never to go in that pub EVER again and pray for him to go bankrupt. What a discusting individual. :angry: :angry: :angry:

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I spent over £2,000 in adverts newspapers,,,Posters,,word of mouth,,,facebook,,Youtube,,you name it ive done it....


Where on earth did you advertise - the Guardian!!! What a load of tosh! Facebook and You Tube are free and I'm sure it's about £20 in the Manchester Evening News!!!


I wasn't around when you submitted your first post a year ago, so intrigued I read from the start. I was astonished that you had reduced yourself to gutter level talking about my friends!


You are surprised your karma has slipped - I checked in a couple of hours ago and it was only - 2! You have a rude comment about members on your profile page too!


I'm not sure if I'm pleased you've found Max - he's probably better off with the pub landlord - because of course - five minutes after foolishly losing him - you replaced him with another model!!


Say what you want in retort - sticks and stones mate. :evil:


I'm not going to reduce your karma - I've wasted enough finger strokes on you already.<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/09/15 20:57

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Wow... I too wasn't around when this all started and decided to read from the start... you state when people start questioning you that "My new task is Baby scooby,,right at this time he needs me,,But i keep on loking for Max Ok..." No it bloody well ISN'T okay. How on earth could you just go out and buy a new baby straight away!? You should have spent that time looking for Max who needed you! So the baby was in bad conditions, I can understand that. Spend a month looking hard for Max, then buy a new one! Better yet, FIND Max, then decide to save another... If it was to 'sooth your pain' as another user said, I'm afraid that just makes me mad. It's your fault you lost him, you don't need to go 'soothing your pain' straight away, you need to try your darndest to get your 'baby' back!


I'm glad after all this time he is alive and hopefully well? I'm not so sure I'm glad he lives with you. Get off your high horse with the money you spent and the comments at other members. I am not a mean person, and I don't like to judge others, but from your posts I just can't help it.<br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2009/09/16 05:26

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