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Becoming Hyper


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Cosmo doesn't get to see me as much as he use to and now during the day when I do see him he is extremely hyper. I pick him up and he will flip over in my hand and hang upside down and start biting my fingers, usually it doesn't hurt but sometimes he does it very hard. I tell him "no" firmly but he will usually mock me and go "no, no, no" and then continue to do it. I will turn him up right and he will flip back over again, and again. I have tried putting him up and leaving him alone, but I usually have to go work soon anyway. Is there any other good way of discouraging this behavior?<br><br>Post edited by: jimmycoop2005, at: 2008/09/26 07:29

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Liath does this too:ohmy: and when I put her back in the cage she seems to calm down, and I take her out and she goes beserk again! I wish I knew the answer. I just keep telling her No and if she continues I put her back in the cage.


Sometimes I can calm her by cuddling her tightly or by talking quietly to her, but 9 times out of 10 its back to bed for her. I hate putting her in her cage because she isnt being naughty, she is just being playful. So I would also like to know of any way of discouraging this :S

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Charlie is usually quite good but when I first let him out he can get hyper. He usually flies to where he knows not to and I tell him to get on his cage, he will for 2 minuites and then its back again. This goes on for about 15 minuites till he settles. Sometimes a treat will distract him. I think this is his way of getting my attention.

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When Morgan gets too rough when he's playing with me, I treat him like an unruly toddler. I try to redirect him. He has a bunch of toys that are scattered across the house, so something is always close by. I try and get him interested in playing whatever toy I grab first. Sometimes it's rolling a ball across the floor (he likes to chase things, as he sees how much fun the cats have doing it), sometimes it's attacking a dangely bead toy, sometimes it's chasing the cats laser light. Whatever will grab his attention at the time. For him, it works most of the time. When it doesn't work I hand him off to the husband for a bit :whistle:

Good luck! I hope you find something that works for you both :)

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When Klaus acts up I march back to the cage and set him on top firmly. I don't say anything, because if you do they seem to think that's positive attention. I'm finding it's possible to spend quality time with Klaus and not have him on me. After work I open the cage door and where his cage sits, he can see me whether I'm in the kitchen or the living room which is where I usually am. So we interact from there and I still give him pets and all that but he just doesn't seem to need to climb around on me all the much any more. At first I felt guilty but now I think of it this way: If you own a dog or a cat you don't necessarily have it climbing all over you all the time, do you? Same for Klaus, in my opinion.

Good luck!

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I really dont mind her being on me, its the hyper play, swinging upside down out of my sleeve, losing her balance and grabbing at me wither her beak etc that I cant handle.

Abernathy, I like your idea of distracting with a toy. Then she might use up some of her energy on that. I am definitely going to try that one;) Karma for you:)

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Distraction is a great idea!


When you come home and let your much loved parrot out of the cage, they are so excited that 1) you are home 2) you are home 3) let me out so I can jump up and down, run around and show you how much I love you that I am psycotically going into a mating ritual that may include giving you some Hickeys, BEAK STYLE. :-)


They just can't contain that excitement, just like a young child dancing around and excited.


We really don't discipline Dayo for doing this, as it is a natural reaction to a loved one coming home and letting them out of the slammer. ;-) We will say NO BITE if he gives too much pressure though and then continue loving on him and playing with him.


I'll start trying some diversion techniques as suggestion to get his over excitement focused towards an object and see how it goes. Thanks for that!!

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No you are definitely not alone in this problem. I have tried the distration technique and it works.... kind of! She was interested in the foot toy I gave her, she took it instantly, and FIRED it across the room! And then went back to doing somersaults on my arm. So I obviously just havent found the right distraction yet. I will keep at it;)

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