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Am I stupid to try this and will it work?


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Hey all,

so, tonight was an event for me. Was putting the tiel back in the cage and because it's one of those double decker cages the TAG has the cage above hers, he usually gets mad and comes running over because he feels invaded which is normal... but guess what yours truly forgot to do... LOCK THE CAGE DOOR! So, of course, TAG comes diving out his cage, tiel takes off and of course i reacted in time so no one got hurt (except for me... I got used as a anger release by Jacko and i was bit twice). But here's the interesting thing. At first I was terrified, that was the scenario of my nightmares... but... no one got hurt... when the TAG chased the tiel she just flew away. no fighting... no bleeding... no shrieking... she just flew higher up to where the TAG couldn't get her.

so.. could I not in theory have both out if they're far away from each other and closely supervised and with the tiel flighted etc. Also, I don't expect them to get along, but they have to tolerate each other. So would it be effective if when they're both out playing if the Tag acts aggressively if he gets returned to his cage as a time out in order to teach him that it is unacceptable to be aggressive towards the other birds?

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I dont let my CAGs out with any of my other birds. But it is because I am a coward. I dont believe Liath or Oisin would actually deliberately hurt a smaller bird, but they might "beak" which would be harmless to each other but could be deadly to my tiels. So erring on the side of caution, I keep them apart;)

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i also have two bird, Charlie (10 months) the Grey and Pepe the jardine (3yrs). i had pepe before i got charlie but i cannot let the two birds out together as pepe will attack charlie although he is the smallest. I think it is more yelously. Pepe is also the active bird (more bitchy) and charlie is the calm and patient bird. I wish pepe could be like charlie.;)

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i also have two bird, Charlie (10 months) the Grey and Pepe the jardine (3yrs). i had pepe before i got charlie but i cannot let the two birds out together as pepe will attack charlie although he is the smallest. I think it is more yelously. Pepe is also the active bird (more bitchy) and charlie is the calm and patient bird. I wish pepe could be like charlie.;)

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Yes it can be done Jan but it is the exception and not the rule. That was cute though of the two of them like best buddies but very unusual to see.


I have both of my birds out at the same time, they do not get along but they tolerate each other, I keep them a safe distance from each other to ensure their safety.

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lol, the video is too cute, glad to see i'm not the only one who scours youtube for bird videos :)

in a perfect world, my birds would get along like this. but my TAG was not socialized with other birds as a baby (i just have this weird feeling he didn't come from a breeder and was probably a birdie mill bird) so I often wonder what he would do if he was away from his cage and given the opportunity to interact with another parrot of his size. there might be some initial scuffles but i think he would eventually come around and enjoy a bird buddy. of course, my other two are WAAAY too small to allow this.

but i think with some work he could eventually be trusted if everyone was clipped and far away from each other on their own playstands.

so it's definetly a no on the grey by the way, what other TAG sized birds can you guys think of?

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My parents had a timneh and a lovebird which shared a cage for years. It really just depends on the individual birds. I now have two greys and two lovebirds. I rarely have the lovebirds and greys out together and when I do, never in the same area of the house. The real problem isn't the greys as much as it is the lovebirds. They are small, but they don't seem to realize it. And they are the ones that initiate all of the trouble. The greys would happily ignore them, but the lovebirds think it's fun to pick on them.


So, you just have to give it a try and see how it goes. Obviously, as everyone has already said, just keep a close eye on them.

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Well, luvparrots, part of the TAG's aggressiveness (and a large part of his plucking) are due to lack of boundaries on my part. He gets jealous etc because he doesn't realize that it's not ok for him to hog my time and that the other birds are just as valuable as he is. He needs to learn this. It's not fair or acceptable for the other members of my flock (or me) to have to deal with his tantrums (he'll bite me if he can if i am paying attention to the other birds).

I've always respect his position as first bird and sub-alpha bird, but he seems yet to realize that he is not lord and master. This thing I want to try is not only for the other birds but for him in a tough love sort of way. He can't be a brat. It's not healthy for him to get sll wound up and aggressive so frequently, nor is it enjoyable or safe.

I love Jacko in inmeasurable amounts, but this scenario would not replicate itself in the wild to this extreme (unless of course he believed i was his mate, which he does, but I am actively discouraging this) and cannot be tolerated by me, it makes him frustrated and angry, and endangers others. He also does this with other animals and small kids for example

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  • 3 weeks later...

geez, well here's an update, jacko has taken to attacking inanimate objects that come by his cage. This has to stop. It's one thing to get mad if another bird goes by.. but a plastic container?? gimme a break. he deosn't go after people, except for certain small children. but other animals and now inanimate objects are fair game. He is (almost never) aggressive with me... or territorial for that matter, and with most people he is a jewel.

Has anyone got a solution? I've scoured the net for help but it only deals with territorial parrots attacking people, not things and animals.

obviously I won't consider another bird if this doesn't start to remedy itself. Part of it is cage size i know, because the less a bird has the more forcibly they protect it but I am soon to buy his new cage. ANY help would be much appreciated!

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Of course I have no idea what the circumstances are in these videos, but don't you imagine that they are as diverse as the birds themselves. I just don't know what the big deal is. I wouldn't think greys getting along with other bird would be more of a stretch that cats, dogs, birds, rabbits etc. learning to get along. Please understand -- I only have Tobie and the dogs. I'm not speaking from experience.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2008/10/17 03:24

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